We Must Be The Only Country That Puts Up With This!

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Lots of white, middle class people have demonstrated against the Iraq war, how would you feel if the French suddenly invaded England?

A bit like a Saxon , living where I do - in 1066 :idea:
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I'm bang down the middle on this subject.

I don't believe these muslims should be abusing soldiers in their own country, if they don't like what's happening why don't they go back to their wonderful country and protest there! Too many politically corrects morons on here, you wont be happy until we are the minority and made life fantastic for those who are here simply to rape our country, destroy the place and then leave us to clean up !!

On the other hand i'm sick of these soldiers being paraded as heroes, it's their job and the fact they died only highlights that they weren't very good at their job. Most of them are just lemmings who just await the next command that will potentially send them to their death. How many of them are going to die by roadside IED's before they take the hint? They chose the career of being in the army, they weren't called upon were they? I feel most of them felt there were no imminent wars when they signed up and thought they'd take the easy route and join the army for 4 years and come out with a qualification, now they are in a battle fighting a war over oil.
Great post - get behind our boys and girls. Sod the politics, our guys and girls need your support
On the other hand i'm sick of these soldiers being paraded as heroes, it's their job and the fact they died only highlights that they weren't very good at their job. Most of them are just lemmings who just await the next command that will potentially send them to their death. How many of them are going to die by roadside IED's before they take the hint? They chose the career of being in the army, they weren't called upon were they? I feel most of them felt there were no imminent wars when they signed up and thought they'd take the easy route and join the army for 4 years and come out with a qualification, now they are in a battle fighting a war over oil.

What a pile of carp. You're entitled to an opinion, but it's absurd when your facts are wrong. There are (IMO) three reasons most people join the army... 1. because it's in their family 2. to get a job that gets them off of benefits 3. to fight for this country if needed.
Nobody joins up for a specific war, or to avoid a war....
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Are we talking Iraq, Afgan, Falklands, or WW1 & 2 here?

In WW1 & 2, they WERE heroes, they were called up, against their will, in some cases, and felt pressured to join up, people that didn't were shot as traitors. The Falklands, they were heroes, they had a job to do, they got on and did it to defend our country, even though 'Empire' ruled still.

Iraq, a proven illegal war, that the troops themselves didn't want to fight, with dirty tactics, if weapon inspectors did their job, then the war wouldn't have started, now there is misery for thousands of people, if not millions, but we now have to pay to regain trust, and rebuild infrastructure.

Afghanistan, why are we there? To seek out bin Laden, he's in Pakistan, why? Because he claimed responsibilty for 9/11, so what's that got to do with Britain? Why are we there?

The soldiers that sign up aren't in it for the money, nobody forced their arm up their back to join, so they are not heros, they were doing exactly what it said on the tin. They knew the risk, they paid the price. The real heros are those that are FORCED to do a job they don't want to do, and died for it. If I was conscripted, then died, I'm a hero, someone that took a career choice dies, they were doing their job. Sorry if this offends, but that's the reality.
The real heros are those that are FORCED to do a job they don't want to do

Like prisoners, and those criminals forced to do community service?

You live in Cloud Cuckoo Land lad.
You are correct, I am anti-British, the whole concept of todays Britain disgusts me. Britain is a depressing hole that is only loved by the people raping the system. I have lived here all my life, I am English yet I'm forced to join in with the "we love homosexuals, immgrants, human rights, freedom of speech"! I don't care what any of you say, if I could show the soldiers of WW2 during the war that they were fighting for the country we live in today, they'd all drop their guns and go home.

Let's get to the point, soldiers are not heroes, they are killing people that they have no valid cause to kill, they were not conscripted, you cannot use the "my family has an army background" excuse, my father is an engineer but that's not my current profession! Also this rubbish about "what if your son or daughter was out there", my son and daughter are not out there, I will bring them up to be smart enough not to join any of the armed forces, only an idiot would want to wear camouflage, be conditioned like a brainwashed muppet and kill people for a living!

Fighting for your country is something you should do when your country is under attack, a nonsense attack like the 7/7 bombing and the fake WMD report does not justify invading countries, stealing their resources and killing innocent people.

Stop watching the news and look up what you're argueing for before buying your "help the heroes" wrist band and spouting on a forum.
I will bring them up to be smart enough not to join any of the armed forces, only an idiot would want to wear camouflage, be conditioned like a brainwashed muppet and kill people for a living!

Winner of the most stupid comment of the week!
Snico, on the one hand I want to disagree with you and on the other I want to agree.
I do not think that Shifty should be the winner of the most stupid comment of the week award. Most stupid post yes, but since many of his comments were equally stupid, the prize should be jointly shared between Shifty, Shifty, Shifty, Shifty and Shifty. (Shouldn't that be another 'T' where the 'F' is?).

That said, one only has to read the post to appreciate that no explanation or argument is required.

Clearly, Shifty is here because he has outlived his welcome elsewhere.
Ok, so people who join the forces are not smart? they join because its what they want to do. There are lots of pretty smart people in the forces, prob a lot more smarter than yourself. They cant be brainwashed because they know full well what they are signing up for and what their job is. Lots of them leave the forces and go onto to have pretty good careers, engineers, technicians etc

A lot of them ARE heros, just because you wouldnt cut it in the forces, doesnt give you the right to knock other people. To the general public its a job, to military personnel its a way of life, they become part of a family. If a man who who runs into gun fire, through a minefield to drag out his injured or killed friend isnt a hero, then what is?

It doesnt matter one bit whether you think they should be at war or not, the fact is they have a job and they are doing it. They are not complaining and crying to come home are they, some of the families might well do, but not the forces themselves.

You seem to forget that you prob exist because of our military forces, they should be given a bit more respect from idiots like you. I supose you would want the British to just scrap the military then, let every tom dick and harry come into Britain and take what is ours.......sorry but your comments are pathetic, the reason people are not going into a lengthy debate with you is because they know its not worth arguing with someone like yourself.

Oh and I dont think i gave a personal attack on you, i made a comment on your statement, that is all. I am not here to get brownie points off other users, i'm not 12.....but if you dont like it on this forum, why dont you just leave and join an anti-military forum or something?
Lots of white, middle class people have demonstrated against the Iraq war, that is now ended and being rebuilt, and it's only right that the people of these countries complain that their countries are invaded, how would you feel if the French suddenly invaded England?

I think the fear is far deeper seated, where you see a person with clothing that doesn't conform with the British tradition, then they are automatically a 'terrorist', not!

Do we all walk round with bowler hats, and that stiff upper lip? no, we are liberal, and accept change. Look at the number of Indian and Chinese, and Italian restaraunts going back to after the war, because of the integration of troops at the time.

People confuse 'illegal immigration', with immigration...but cultures must be migrated together, but home grown laws must exist. If a person isn't allowed to enter a bank wearing a motorcycle helmet, then a person wearing a full headscarf isn't allowed either. If their religion says otherwise, then they must conform to the laws of the country, not their personal religion. The law in their home country allows this, but this is an established law in the UK, and must abide by the law, in the country they are currently in. Some couple were arrested for having a snog in a radical country, if you are out of your culture, abide by the local rules and laws.
Spot on analysis.
...and we're back in the room.

Hi guys,

..we've had this argument before so I will be brief.

If you are doing what you get paid for, because you chose to do it, you are not a hero.
I know someone who has saved countless lives before...is he a hero? No, wanna know why? Because he is an ambulance driver..and he gets paid to do what he does and if he didn't do it, someone else would.

Secondly, we have dealt with the IQ in the forces thing, I believe in the last discussion of this nature someone who did training for the recruits said the he believed them to be below average...and he was arguing AGAINST me on the topic as a whole.

Thirdly, let them protest, I believe in freedom of speech...there is no point having freedom of speech if you only have it when it suits others....that is just 'speech'.
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