Well done Tony Blair!

16 Mar 2004
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United Kingdom
Watched Tony Apologising to the couple who were found innocent over bombings, It took a lot of guts and Humanity to do so, and the irony was he wasn't to blame for their arrest and imprisonment anyway he was taking the blame for some tw*t's (in the previous tory government's) cockup. Well done Tony, you have shown yourself as a compassionate and Caring person. :D
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This raises the question, if it had been HIS governments fault, would he be apologising at all, and would they even have been released?
kendor said:
Well done Tony, you have shown yourself as a compassionate and Caring person. :D
Have to disagreed, this is all philolgical brain washing us to convince what a caring man he is, none of the politician really care about anybody only for themselves who are attention seeker. I don't remember Tony apologising for the illegal war in Iraq, so how did Dr Kelly really died???? (knew too much didn't he??) we will never know.

6000 people died from MRSA at Hospital in the UK since Labour has sacked 50,000 cleaners since 1997 and Michael Howard mother was one of them last year. Tony Blair quoted in 1997 "We have 48hrs to save the NHS". More people has died under Labour than any other party and did you know that the rich people are getting richer than ever before under this government. Tony Blair is a Tories running Labour government.

Tony Blair a caring man, I don't think so.

BTW, I hate them all, they are all bad of each others

I don't trust anybody anymore and I'm just a floating voter at the election poll.

Hmmm. I feel a bit better now :LOL:
....but Tony is the longest serving PM, so he must be ok surely?
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Because people cannot be bother to vote anymore, like me losing interest.

Even The Sun newspaper which is Labour has nothing good to say about Blair.

We need a honest party, in my dream, in my dream :LOL:
I'll have to go with masona - Its all very well Tony apologising for stuff he wasn't responsible for, but there is so much that he is actually responsible for that needs apologies that it all seems a bit empty.

shaggy - he's the longest serving labour PM, not the longest serving PM. Maggie lasted longer, as have several others.

Also, Kendor, these men were jailed under a labour government.
I thought Maggie served longer? Certainly served better!

Now, you can't have the PM apologising for every miscarriage of justice, or he would never have any time to do anything else. This is just a big publicity thing, note the proximity in timing between this and recent developments in Northern Ireland...

Now, the problem isn't a miscarriage of justice, it is that it took so long for said miscarriage to be recognised. If they had been locked up for a couple of months whilst it was sorted out, no biggy. Not that great for those who were locked up, but we were dealing with a terrorist bombing. It is that they were locked up for so long, as were their friends and family.
I forgot about Maggie! Back to the point about innocence. A miscarriage of justice doesn't prove innocence though, it may show that the procedure for conviction was wrong. Is there any evidence that the people did not do the bombings?
Flogging a dead horse comes to mind!!
I'd be more impressed if he came out against Charles marrying Camilla
Even The Sun newspaper which is Labour has nothing good to say about Blair.
the sun is a tory paper! ha ha that says something about tory supporters Da!
The Sun is a right-leaning paper, but id definitely supports Labour (appropriately enough) - The Mirror is a left-leaning paper, but can't bring itself to support Blair.
jtaunton said:
The Sun is a right-leaning paper, but id definitely supports Labour (appropriately enough) - The Mirror is a left-leaning paper, but can't bring itself to support Blair.
no sorry its definitely tory. :LOL: ish!!!
Very reason he apologised -- cause it was not his fault !!
He is a devious barsteward -- a lawyer -- Come on Gordon push the bu##er out give us all a break !!
petewood said:
This raises the question, if it had been HIS governments fault, would he be apologising at all, and would they even have been released?
We will never know the answer to that one will we.
like most rags the sun seems to sway whichever way it feels will get more readership.
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