Well done Tony Blair!

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Touche sir, touche! :LOL:

Right, where can I find the ladyboy with my cocaine on his nipples? ;)
AdamW said:
Touche sir, touche! :LOL:

Right, where can I find the ladyboy with my cocaine on his nipples? ;)
Yah! well I didnt feel good about that, hows about we don't make a habit of it?.
'Ken Clark', I'm glad they did'nt make him leader of the tory party, they would've stood a better chance with him than Howard. I'd even go so far as to say 'a good bloke'
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Howard has "Something of the night ...about him"
Labour has direct lines back to the old union 'commissariat' days of control, direction, diktat.... I think old 2Jags is a throwback, I sense his Unionism coming through, control etc - but then what can we expect ? He spent best part of his life involved in Union affairs -- No change there then !!
Non Of the Above would be a sure fire winner, even if only for the craik !!

I had my militant days many years ago when the sap was rising ... God, we were pretty impressionable in our youth ... Hopefully most learned to think for themselves, for better or for worse -- very human condition !!
One of my older workchums, was very militant and an active AEU steward - not violent though ... His home was raided and searched several times early 60's regarding communist ties, Witch hunts I guess -- Strange really, considering we worked mainly on miltary aerospace projects except the slender C, he remained with the company until retirement -- really good bloke !!
kendor said:
masona said:
kendor said:
So Labour DO keep their promises
Can you explain please?
you didn't see the news item then?
Saw some of it, I don't believe him anymore.

So basically what you're saying, if Tony Blair said my family is better off then how come my wife has gone back to work 2 days a week part-time to make up the shortfall of backdoor taxes on my wages? Also not to mention I have to top my pension up again because greedy Brown has robbed the pension fund.

Just before Christmas I had a Kidney operation and more to follow as I'm still suffering, my operation has been cancelled because I'm too ill to operate on the Feb 15th, the date now been push back to the 22nd and guess what I'm still waiting to be seen by the NHS. I went private as I was not prepared to risk my life.

Look around you, stop listening to the politician's and media because that's where you're getting the false information from. They tell you what they want to tell you. Go on to talk to people and pop down to your Hospital like I did and talk to some of the nurses and they will tell you the truth. More and more people are dying under the Labour government including MRSA because they have sacked over 50,000 cleaners since 1997 and I got this from the cleaning company at the Hospital. I have written to Labour 6 months ago explaining this, I'm still waiting for a reply.

Yes I did hear some of what Blair's said but he was uncomfortable and he walked away while the media was still questioning him. Not a real leader is it?
I think if you're honest with yourself we need a new leader & a new honest party.
I don't understand why some voters are loyal to one party regarding what they do, I think everyone should be a floater until the election day & that would worry them.

Don't get me wrong I'm not blaming everything on Labour, I'm fed up with them all.

I understand Labour will be in for the third term and income taxes will be increase because of their continue of tax & spend. This New Labour wasn't I was led to believe, more lies.

They will say anything to get into power.

Mr & Mrs Blair caring people, no I don't think so, remember Cherie has award herself £110,000 out of the £300,000 out of the children cancer charity.

John Prescott can't even read or write, wasted £billion and is a deputy prime minister, fightenen isn't it?

I could go on, I feeling tired now.
One thing that annoys me about these people (all parties) is the swanning around on an election campaign whilst in our pocket. If you wanted to start a new party you wouldn't be getting paid from the public purse during campaining. How can they do their jobs when their not there? When its all over they will just about be ready for their summer break! cheeky s*ds.

Agree with everything you said masona, very sorry to hear your not well and hope everything goes OK.
Sorry to hear you are ill masona me old mate. Don't let Kendor find out you went private or he will be asking for your deportation mate ;)
lets get ride of the government and bring back the monarchy (or was that anarchy) Charles and Camilla can be in charge wot wot wot!..................... bring back school milk!!
I,m with the others masona hope you feel better soon.
Sorry to hear about the kidneys Masona.

I like the idea of everyone being a floating voter! It might be better if everyone took an interest too. I know people who never cast their vote. I can't understand it.

I have another idea. Why not make Jeremy Paxman the Speaker of the House? If anyone says anything, Jezza would pounce on them until they say what they mean clearly and without spin/BS. Absolutely brilliant. No slippery smarmy politicians. No "well if you look at the figures with one eye shut and patting your belly, then it looks better".

Jezza repeatedly saying "Is the NHS going to get more money? Simple question. Yes or no?"

Paxman for Lord Protector! :LOL:
masona said:
kendor said:
masona said:
kendor said:
So Labour DO keep their promises
Can you explain please?
you didn't see the news item then?
Saw some of it, I don't believe him anymore.

So basically what you're saying, if Tony Blair said my family is better off then how come my wife has gone back to work 2 days a week part-time to make up the shortfall of backdoor taxes on my wages? Also not to mention I have to top my pension up again because greedy Brown has robbed the pension fund.

Just before Christmas I had a Kidney operation and more to follow as I'm still suffering, my operation has been cancelled because I'm too ill to operate on the Feb 15th, the date now been push back to the 22nd and guess what I'm still waiting to be seen by the NHS. I went private as I was not prepared to risk my life.

Look around you, stop listening to the politician's and media because that's where you're getting the false information from. They tell you what they want to tell you. Go on to talk to people and pop down to your Hospital like I did and talk to some of the nurses and they will tell you the truth. More and more people are dying under the Labour government including MRSA because they have sacked over 50,000 cleaners since 1997 and I got this from the cleaning company at the Hospital. I have written to Labour 6 months ago explaining this, I'm still waiting for a reply.

Yes I did hear some of what Blair's said but he was uncomfortable and he walked away while the media was still questioning him. Not a real leader is it?
I think if you're honest with yourself we need a new leader & a new honest party.
I don't understand why some voters are loyal to one party regarding what they do, I think everyone should be a floater until the election day & that would worry them.

Don't get me wrong I'm not blaming everything on Labour, I'm fed up with them all.

I understand Labour will be in for the third term and income taxes will be increase because of their continue of tax & spend. This New Labour wasn't I was led to believe, more lies.

They will say anything to get into power.

Mr & Mrs Blair caring people, no I don't think so, remember Cherie has award herself £110,000 out of the £300,000 out of the children cancer charity.

John Prescott can't even read or write, wasted £billion and is a deputy prime minister, fightenen isn't it?

I could go on, I feeling tired now.
couldn't have said it better myself, and i don't believe all i read and see in the news but merely quote it on here for debate, as i've said before you are all free agents to believe what you like but don't fall into the same trap as you are implying to me as when i do speak on the subject it is from my own experience of things and i'm sorry to see you have experienced bad things in your life but this can be down to local issues and not the blame of a government, how many times do you see people blaming others for their own predicament?

As stated before i speak from my own experience having been (un)Lucky to have seen several changes of government and which i believe has worked best for the country as a whole. Which is why i support Labour and Tony Blair as i believe he is the best PM we have had in my opinion

The trouble with the media is they are much much too powerful and if they decide for whatever reason(spondoolees?) for change then they can make any government no matter their achievements look bad.
Thanks for the supports lads, I wasn't expecting that!
kendor said:
don't fall into the same trap as you are implying to me as when i do speak on the subject it is from my own experience of things
I have no problem with that at all, I'm floating voter myself. We need people like you to see the other side of it whether we agreed or not!
sorry to see you have experienced bad things in your life but this can be down to local issues and not the blame of a government, how many times do you see people blaming others for their own predicament?
I think the problem with the NHS, Labour is pouring more money in the NHS but I think it's bad management and too many pen-pusher with clipboards, so money down the drains. It would be worse if all the private patients goes back to NHS, so in theory I & others are subsidizing the NHS which I don't get a rebate from the NHS service. What bugger me is that in France or Germany don't have any waiting lists and yet we are richer country than them, so what is going on?
i speak from my own experience having been (un)Lucky to have seen several changes of government and which i believe has worked best for the country as a whole. Which is why i support Labour and Tony Blair as i believe he is the best PM we have had in my opinion
You are entitled to believe whatever is right for you, I wouldn't hold it against you. I get fed up when Tony Blair is rattled then come up with plans now which should've been done aged ago, he's either not doing enough or doesn't know what to do next. I will say it can't be easy specially with Gordan Brown getting on his nerves!

trouble with the media is they are much much too powerful and if they decide for whatever reason(spondoolees?) for change then they can make any government no matter their achievements look bad.
I have 2 good friend in the media newspaper and both says Rupert Murdock actually run the government and not whoever is in power!

As Richardp once said " You just vote out the worst two party of the three whether you agreed with the winner policies or not"

Still need a honest party though, if ever :!:
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