Well done Tony Blair!

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No, that can't be the case. I read so in the paper. ;)
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Very devious I'd say? Gets all the credit for the appology without any recriminations for the mistake.

This shows the weakness of a democracy. The general public are a gullible lot. For every well informed voter there are hundreds that are led by the nose.

My mother voted conservative just once. To my fathers despair she argued, "but Maggie is different, she's an ordinary housewife, her father is a greengrocer. She knows what it's like to struggle to make ends meet" :eek:
Maggie, Maggie,
You may be saggy,
Your boobs hang like
A carrier baggy.

But you had gaul,
And you had balls.
Qualities forgotten,
By these Labour fools. :rolleyes:

*sigh* I wish we had a real Prime Minister again. :cry:
You are to poetry, what Micky Howerd is to the daylight, Tone Bliar to the truth, Chas Kennedy to sobriety, Kendor to reality, Pipme to youthful vigour, chalk to cheese, speed cameras to traffic police, DD to AA .. etc etc ;)
Watched the news tonight and try as they might to put the moccas on Tony's pledges they couldn't, one by one the pledges made before he came to power the second time, where shown to have been fullfilled before his second term in office with just two which fell short before the election but which were completed soon after he was back in.
So Labour DO keep their promises unlike the tories who once in office just look to ways of lining their own and friends of theirs pockets, I'm so looking forward to a third term in office for labour so that they can continue knocking the country back into shape from the destruction and chaos that was left behind by the tories.
alot of people say we should forget the mistakes of the previous government but if we forget how will future generations know how the tories almost brought this great country to its knees. we have to learn from past mistakes, te he!
kendor said:
Watched the news tonight and try as they might to put the moccas on Tony's pledges they couldn't, one by one the pledges made before he came to power the second time, where shown to have been fullfilled before his second term in office with just two which fell short before the election but which were completed soon after he was back in.
So Labour DO keep their promises unlike the tories who once in office just look to ways of lining their own and friends of theirs pockets, I'm so looking forward to a third term in office for labour so that they can continue knocking the country back into shape from the destruction and chaos that was left behind by the tories.

As always the devil is in the detail -- x,000 part (half) time nurses = x,000 / 2 full time or 'whole time' nurses. In a team environment, 2 part timers have never equalled one full timer -- and I have seen and picked up some of the pieces- not NHS I may add !!

..... The words are true the impression conveyed may not be so..... Tony Baloney and his Weapons of Mass Delusion --- ;)
your family better off
your communities safer
a better start for your children
your borders better protected
your family treated better and faster
your children achieving more

why are these pledges so easy to fulfill? Cos in the last eight years theyve cocked up just about everything theyve touched, education, law and order, immigration, health service etc etc. So it makes it easy to improve them, lets face it they couldnt make them much worse. What a wonderful sleezebag he looked on the news using children at every photo oppurtunity, obviously couldnt find real supporters. Smarmy two faced greasy political jerk. My votes already cast
kendor said:
Watched Tony Apologising to the couple who were found innocent over bombings, It took a lot of guts and Humanity to do so, and the irony was he wasn't to blame for their arrest and imprisonment anyway he was taking the blame for some tw*t's (in the previous tory government's) cockup. Well done Tony, you have shown yourself as a compassionate and Caring person. :D

The only people who should be apologising are the f*c*ing IRA for knowing who killed all those innocent people and also leaving innocent people to rot in prison. The British Government has NOTHING to apologise for. Wake up MUppet. The tory government are not To blame KENDOR, the IRA are the cause of the problem, oops sorry they must be a surpressed people so you support them as well do you? :evil:
AdamW said:
Maggie, Maggie,
You may be saggy,
Your boobs hang like
A carrier baggy.

But you had gaul,
And you had balls.
Qualities forgotten,
By these Labour fools. :rolleyes:

*sigh* I wish we had a real Prime Minister again. :cry:

labour man all my life adam but i agree
Richardp said:
alot of people say we should forget the mistakes of the previous government but if we forget how will future generations know how the tories almost brought this great country to its knees. we have to learn from past mistakes, te he! Also, I'm a spaz. NEURGH!

I'll have to teach you my new "it's been 8 years, you can't still be blaming the Tories" dance. :LOL:

Anyone could say that their government met all of those pledges. The pledges that Blair made were very wishy-washy. Most are ambiguous and can be "proven" by bringing any number of intangible factors into it. Children achieving more, for instance. What does that mean? Getting better qualifications? Getting a better job? Earning more money? Doing better at sports?

your family better off - Mine isn't.
your communities safer - Never had a problem with crime under the tories, since 1996 my sister has been mugged, my brother has been assaulted, not to mention the theft from cars and creditcard fraud that we have put up with.
a better start for your children - Yes, your children can finish their education £20K in debt. What a start that is.
your borders better protected - Come on, this is too easy!
your family treated better and faster - My grandmother's cancer was misdiagnosed by an overworked GP. I had to pay for physiotherapy privately because under Tony's NHS the joint specialist at the local hospital had a 4 month waiting list just for an appointment so he could then refer me to a physio.
your children achieving more - Achieving more what? If your children are doing better at school, or getting more out of life, isn't that down to your child, the teachers, and you, the parents? What next, "Your children are 32% more polite and 80% better behaved cos of Tony B"?!
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