Well, that went well didn’t it?

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I literally just told you where you can find the answer and asked if you needed me to repost the link.

Are you really as stupid as you come across?
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No I am not. Some have been convicted of online offences and judges have set the sentences. End of - it's how the system works. There is no point on that basis with comparing with other crimes. It is as it is.
I think MBK must have got confused with 'start' point' and 'maximum sentence'. He didn't realise that the judge had a lot of choices in between, lol.
Landed. Doesn’t look like you read it then.

Looks like noseall likes to ask questions that he thinks he already knows the answer to…

But doesn’t.
Landed. Doesn’t look like you read it then.

Looks like noseall likes to ask questions that he thinks he already knows the answer to…

But doesn’t.
Give it up boyo, you are a laughing stock, as per.

The truth is, that perp's found guilty for exactly the same crime, contrary to the same act, blah blah blah, can be sentenced to the maximum, the minimum or 10 million places in between, according to how the judge views their culpability.
Hilarious.. oh wait you’re serious.

No need for sentence guidelines or decided cases if it’s up to the judge’s discretion, then.

Remind me what happens if the judge gives an overly harsh or lenient sentence? Is there grounds for appeal.

Judge’s discretion :LOL: judges have to follow the guidelines. If you read them for s18 offences you’ll see there isn’t much room for discretion. He cant sentence you to 2 years and the other guy 1 year because he thought you were a tw@t

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Plenty of armed robbers get lower sentences than stupid Karen's ranting on Twitter
Have you never heard the phrase “making an example……”

You are conflating the use of tough sentences to halt the spreading public disorder with regular crime.
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