Well, that went well didn’t it?

You have invented a scenario of being guilty of causing a riot and are now trying to fit it in to the offence of rioting.

A police officer assaults an innocent black man due to mistaken identity, the outrage causes a riot.

A politician makes a provocative speech which triggers a protest. The protest turns in to a riot.

A journalist incorrectly reports on a story which causes public anger which turns in to a riot.

All 3 have caused a riot. None are guilty of sec 1 public order - rioting.
The scenario was (in your original post) that the perp' was guilty. You asked about stiffer sentences.

So on that basis I asked you a yes/no question in a similar capacity, to which you floundered and waffled.

The perp is guilty of inciting a riot. Should they be jailed? Yes/no?

It really is not that difficult (to play your game) boyo.
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Inciting. Finally. Not the same as causing obviously.

Someone who incites a riot is guilty of a very serious offence. Yes they should go to prison.

Do you think someone who posts stupid racism on twitter is guilty of inciting a riot?

Do you think the same person should go to prison for longer than someone convicted of robbery while in possession of a knife. (Armed robbery). ?
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