Finished off the dregs of two bottles with my chicken Kiev. I very nearly broke out the port with my cheese and crackers but I was blocked by the wine Nazi. 
The comedian?I will be in the company of Franziskaner.
SWMBO just dropped a bottle of Franziskaner causing it to start seeping past the lid. I had to do the only sensible thing and put it in a glass and chug it.
Had a cheeky glass of port with my cheese and crackers while Mrs Mottie was up in the bath
Had a cheeky glass of port with my cheese and crackers while Mrs Mottie was up in the bath.According to her, I’d already had my daily allowance... of 'Kylie'...
Kylie made another appearance tonight with our Thai takeaway.I think you're a lucky lucky lucky so-and-so. I don't get any daily allowance, least of all Kylie....