What are you drinking tonight?

Finished off the dregs of two bottles with my chicken Kiev. I very nearly broke out the port with my cheese and crackers but I was blocked by the wine Nazi. :(

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Sauvy B with our pan fried salmon tonight. New potatoes and French beans direct from the plot of Mott.

Mrs Motties sister gave us a bottle of 'rouge' to try. Not bad. Not bad at all. Didn’t taste cheap. Looked it up, £5.25 at Tesco!

Had a cheeky glass of port with my cheese and crackers while Mrs Mottie was up in the bath. :mrgreen: According to her, I’d already had my daily allowance of two glasses of 'Kylie' rosé with our tea. F'cking wine Nazi!

Had a cheeky glass of port with my cheese and crackers while Mrs Mottie was up in the bath. :mrgreen: According to her, I’d already had my daily allowance... of 'Kylie'...

I think you're a lucky lucky lucky so-and-so. I don't get any daily allowance, least of all Kylie....
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