What are you having for breakfast?

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Poached eggs and haddock and a glass of ectoplasm. Is it just me that can see a fish face on the plate?

Overnight Jumbo oats, strawberries, blueberries, Greek yoghurt, milled golden flaxseed, sunflower seeds and honey.

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Getting a glut of tomatoes as they are now ripening on the plot plus I bought a box of mushrooms this week and found that I hadn’t even opened last weeks box so I fried them up and made a veggie breakfast this morning.

Today it’s a case of what have I not had for breakfast! Orange juice, Prosecco, Greek yoghurt with all kind of nuts and seeds and honey, a cheese, ham, mushroom and spinach omelette, bacon, sausage, beans, toast, fruit, pastries, croissant, more honey - as fresh as as you can get, coffee. I'm going to need to rein it in a bit tomorrow as I’m not even feeling peckish enough for lunch yet!

Straight from the hive.

We passed Weatherspoon yesterday, and spotted they are offering their small breakfast, for £2.99, so today's plan was to pop in for one each. We got there for 10am, expecting the place to be rammed, but we were wrong. I don't like large breakfast, their small is more than adequate, and they are not a bad breakfast, apart from them serving them simply not hot enough.
Already had my breakfast and now I’ve just had brunch! Waiting for mrs Mottie to have an eye test I went into McDonalds for a coffee. £1.99 but it gave me the option of a breakfast with a drink for £2.79 so for an extra 80p I had a sausage and egg McMuffin too. Be rude not to.
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Susie likes to clean out the empty yoghurt pot.

Shillelagh likes to clean any sort of food pot out, custard, rice, almost anything. You offer it to her, say 'take it', and she walks off to her bed, struggling to see where she's going because of the pot, in front of her eyes.
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