What are you having for lunch?

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I had a period of rubbish loaves. The bread making forums said that it could be a fault with the paddle, but it was mixing fine.

The other reasons for a poor rise were:

Dud yeast.

Poor gluten in the flour.

And the third suggestion was to add a teaspoon of lemon juice. This helps the yeast grow.

Now I keep my dried yeast in the fridge and this seemed to sort the issue.
Which model is yours?

Ours is the SD - 255
Is that the one that can automatically add seeds to the mix? Ours doesn’t so I think it must be the SD-250. When I had trouble with the bread rising, it was because of duff yeast. I now buy the Sainsbury’s own yeast sachets to keep them fresh and open up a new sachet for every loaf . Exactly the same as the Hovis yeast sachets (you can tell by the markings on the sachet) but cheaper.
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Smashed avocado with chilli flakes on toast.

A tin of Aldi mushy peas with a splash of vinegar.

I had tartar sauce with my Saturday F&C's, not used the tartar sauce, for many decades. Just never thought to use it. For many years, I couldn't stand the taste or smell of vinegar, so I used lemon instead. Now I'm fine with vinegar, but.....

I popped in 'spoons' for a breakfast last week, and nicked a couple of sachets of tartar, just to see if I might like it or not. Need to collect a jar, for next time we have F&C's :)
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