What are you watching on TV right now?

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Tried watching The Bricklayer last night.
What a load of boring rubbish, stumbling from one fight action to the next, with typical nonsense inbetween. After the 'hero' walks through a nightclub felling everyone of the about 20 bodyguards with one blow, who all lined up conveniently to attack one at a time, his attractive assistant conveniently, with no pre-arrangement turns up just in time to whisk him away in a hired car.
The plot uses same old trope as previous films: ageing, retired, reluctant ex-CIA brought back to do an off-the-record job, teamed up with an attractrive assistant, neither of whom are happy with the 'team'.
After each violent fight lasting several minutes each, both the hero and the attractive assistant are seen in the next shot with minor scratches on their faces, and clean clothes.
The fight scenes are incredible, unbelieveable, and I mean that in the truest sense of the words. The plot is so thin it has to be explained while they're driving.
I managed about half way through, until I gave up in disgust at such boring rubbish.
I wacthed Lift the other night.
Watchable, very Monte Carlo or bust type plot.

I tried watching Napoleon, but I think they forgot to switch on the lights.
It's all too dark to see what's going on..
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I wacthed Lift the other night.
Watchable, very Monte Carlo or bust type plot.

I tried watching Napoleon, but I think they forgot to switch on the lights.
It's all too dark to see what's going on..

In them days. Electricity wasn't invented.
Jokes are usually a facet of FICTION. :rolleyes:
Do you really think Les Dawson's mother was an ogre? :ROFLMAO:
Why did you have to bring Les's mum into this. She's been peacefully in her grave minding her own business foe a few decades or so now.
Killers of the Flower Moon.
Watched it the other night.
The two Di actors are in it. Di Niro and Di Caprio
Over three hours if I remember correectly..
I planned to go see that at the cinema - which channel is it on telly?
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