What have you been doing today?

That's cleaned up well after 10 years in storage. Does it run?
The joys of fibreglass I guess!

Not tried to start it...it's actually a future project for once the house is done. Will get the plugs out, get some oil in there and turn over by hand next weekend if possible.

Later in the summer I'll drain the fuel, replace the oil, sparks and any dodgy belts before connecting a battery and see if she'll start.

If there's anything else you'd recommend doing before I try to start her, then let me know please Mottie? Thanks
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You seem to have it covered although once you have it turning by hand, I'd change the oil and filter and spin it over with the plugs removed until the oil light goes out. Expect to smoke the street out though!
Travelling back from a wonderful weekend in London with stepson and his girlfriend.

Went down by train Saturday morning and whilst waiting at Cambridge station about a dozen blokes and 2 women come and stand a few feet away and start getting a bit boisterous. No one younger than at least 25 and most looked to nudging 40+ and all carrying a 4 pack of Red Stripe each. My wife and I get into a carriage while they seemed to be getting into the next one. Felt a bit relieved but was quickly disappointed when that carriage, (like the one we had entered), seemed to be full so they squashed into ours. We were standing by the trackside doors as there were no seats anywhere and people were standing in the aisle. As the train moved away they started getting a bit rowdy and using foul language so I asked them to tone the noise down a bit and cut out the foul language as there were women and young children around. They calmed it down for about 10 minutes before it started getting as bad as before and they were openly 'bragging' about who would alert the train police and have them waiting at Kings Cross like last time, (it was an express straight through so no stops). My wife me one of 'those' looks to stay calm so I stood firmly where I was with my back to them and each time one jolted into me simply stood firm. My wife had her phone set with the railway police number on instant contact so if it got out of hand she just pressed the call button. Get to London and before they piled off a thickset bloke who had been standing in the aisle suddenly announced in a very loud, calm voice for everyone to be quiet. It went very quiet as he announced he had contacted the police during the journey about their behaviour. That instantly brought a loud chorus of laughs, jeers and threats from the group as the doors opened. He didn't hear this gentleman announce to the rest of the carriage that there would also be a number of soldiers from his regiment waiting at the gates as well. Turns out he was the CSM of a Military Police unit, (Red caps), meeting up at London for onward travel to their camp together. Sure enough as we began walking down the platform there were soldiers and train police slowing everyone down so they could single out the trouble makers. The CSM was ahead of us, as my wife is disabled and walks slowly, and by the time we were passing he was calling over the 2 women who had separated themselves from the group in an attempt at innocence. Don't know what the final outcome was but they did not leave the station during the 15 minutes we stood outside having a cigarette and coffee that my stepson had bought us. Oh and the carriage was littered in that particular spot with loads of empty beer cans.
Nice one Conny. I hope they got a bit of grief. We sometimes go up to London from our nearest station, straight through to Fenchurch street. Trouble is often when we are coming home around 10.30 onwards and the train is full of drunks eating burgers or pasties. I call it the ****head express. I've had to tell some of them to tone their language down a bit before now - I'm no choirboy myself but there's a time and a place and a volume level. Mrs Mottie will often dig her nails in my arm or hand to tell me to calm down a bit - especially when I end up using more bad language than they do when telling them to stop!
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Couldn't do my normal dog walk over rough ground today as I did my back in over the weekend lifting a case of wine out of the car! Too frightened of stumbling and making it worse so I did a slow street walk with the dog to our local, dog friendly department store. I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and break in a new pair of leather brogues I bought last week. I got a nice blister on my heel for my trouble and they pinched ever so slightly on a corn on my little toe. Came home, had a rest, stuck a plaster on my heel, carried out a little DIY chiropody on my toe and went out again. Much better. Went over the allotment to water my seedlings in the polytunnel (not in the brogues!) and covered them with fleece as it's going to turn cold over the next few days and I don't want the frost to get them - I'm going for a bumper crop on the new plot this year.
Conny's experiences are all too common in Broken Britain these days. Things are usually much more civilised in Europe. Cringe when I see groups of beered up, tattooed Brit oafs on the lash in places like Prague. Why do they need to draw so much attention? Ashamed to be British. Fact!
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Early morning dog walk before work this morning. There's a small river near us and the dog always has to peek over the bridge to see the ducks. Today though, I noticed that the wild garlic that grows along the bank is plentiful this year. I'll have to go and harvest some later. It's great if you chop it up and mix with scrambled eggs.

Cleaned the car! Hadn't been done since Christmas. Gave it a good snow-foaming first though. :mrgreen:

Wife had a hospital appointment yesterday, when she went into the consulting room I went to sit in the car, parked opposite was a medium saloon, two women 40 ish and a child 10 ish got in, the women lit up roll ups/spliffs and then proceeded to take selfies while pulling faces & laughing hysterically, this went on for ten minutes or so, then the music started and they were head banging in their seats for five minutes, then more selfies & fags. Then they all jumped out and went back to the hospital, kid must have got plenty of passive smoke into him.
Spent 6 hours on my back after a kidney biopsy. Had to take 3 samples because the first two were not good enough. Now got 3 holes in my back and feel as though Mike Tyson has been using the back of my ribs for punching practice. Good(?) side is, I have 6 weeks of no heavy lifting and light duties only. Good job they have just advertised for my assistant who will, hopefully, start within that 6 week time frame.
Did the weekly shop for Mrs Mottie this morning while she walked the dog. Looking after my next door neighbours but one house while she's away on a cruise and the neighbour in between us told me there was water dripping out of both overflows that come out of the loft (cold water storage and central heating header tank?) that had been keeping them awake all night. I wasn't going to go up in the loft to investigate so I tried turning it off at the mains but couldn't turn the tap as it was impossible to get a grip on the stopcock due to the position it was in so I turned it off at the meter in the street and ran a bit of water out of the hot tap. She can get it sorted herself when she gets back. Finished up the company and personal accounts ready to give to my accountant next week. Made a nice tea for Mrs Mottie to come home to as she's been out best part of the day doing shopping, cleaning and hairdressing for her mum.
Absolutely nothing. Mrs C has forbidden me to do anything which involves physical exertion at all. Though she did allow me to accompany her and son on a shopping trip and treated me to fish & chips for tea. To be honest, I'm absolutely shattered and didn't realise how much the biopsy has taken out of me.
Oh and every time I take a deep breath or cough it bloody hurts! :(

Sorry, I'm not usually one to complain because I know others who are in far worse situations than me.
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