What have you been doing today?

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I had to pop up the vets today with my mums dog and while I was waiting, I let it have a walk around the grounds. I saw this sign and I don’t know why, but it reminded me of @MynameisBod

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Prepping my late FILs Panda for MOT, his great grandson is having it to learn in, clearing out the glove box etc we found old sweet wrappers ,walking sticks & a sick bucket which the MIL used frequently, happy days.
Prepping my late FILs Panda for MOT, his great grandson is having it to learn in, clearing out the glove box etc we found……..walking sticks & a sick bucket…..
Christ, that glovebox must be like Mary Poppins carpet bag!
I decided to begin cherry picking season today after watching squirrel pinching a ripe, juicy snack from a low hanging branch. The fizzin' tree rat hung upside down, sniffed out the ripest and was away quick-as-spit. Not far. Oh No! he had the brass neck to sit on the path nearby and casually nibble his way round the stone before scampering away in search of more delicacies.


It's now a race between me, squirrel, blackbird and thrush to see who gets most...all i want is enough for a jar or two of jam. The raspberries will go in the fridge to top off my breakfast tomorrow.:p
This week been doing my year end again in the motorhome as Mrs CB has requisitioned the living room for WFH, left my folder with all invoices etc inside , hole punched & in date order, went in this morning and everything was wet, skylight had decided to start leaking last night right above my paperwork, now drying out in the conservatory.
This week been doing my year end again in the motorhome as Mrs CB has requisitioned the living room for WFH, left my folder with all invoices etc inside , hole punched & in date order, went in this morning and everything was wet, skylight had decided to start leaking last night right above my paperwork, now drying out in the conservatory.
Handy. ;)
Over the allotment for some weeding and watering. Things are coming along now. I grew some Artichokes but I don’t think I’ll eat them. I tell my grandson that they they got their name because the first person that tried to eat one got it stuck in his throat and choked. His name was Artie. :rolleyes:


My pumpkins are coming aling and should be a fair size come October.


And my salad bed is producing quicker than we can eat it so we are giving quite a lot of it away.

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