What have you been doing today?

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Went to work today and my CCTV showed me that the fat Turk and his idiot son from across the road had dumped a fridge in a skip on my rear car parking area at 01.51am on Saturday morning. He came home to it back on his doorstep with a picture taped to it of him doing it. :ROFLMAO:

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Yesterday, went to my GP. GP very nice and open, but clueless on 2 things I'd talked to hospital docs about.
She couldn't prescribe what's needed because it's not on their f....in list.
Another one, slow release ibuprofen (so it works all night) I can buy in Tescos, also not on her list she said. But I checked, and it is.

I can't take much ibuprofen though - guts. Paracetamol doesn't work for neuralgia. That means more opioids.
Popped in to the vet but they only shoot cats dogs and horses.. Bugger.

ALso got an offer on that house I bought that I didn't really want. I'd rather have my leg back.
Selling my late mum's car, one my car mad dad looked after incredibly well, that is in perfect condition considering its 10 year old. I have a potential buyer today who is coming to have a look, who is.... 86.
Feels like am complicit in keeping the roads dangerous to other road users, not to mention the car will probably be covered in dents in next to no time... sorry dad!
Over the allotment, harvested a few bits. A couple of lettuces, radish's, courgettes and some beetroot.

And the bees absolutely love those flowers :)
I've never seen so many bee's as there are around my lavender plants.

Personally, the lavender aroma does nothing for me, but the missus finds it very pleasant, yet she hates bee's with a passion.

So, I am in the impossible situation of creating an environment that pleases her, yet displeases her at the very same time.
Boiling my own beetroot. It’s delicious but if you eat too much it turns your wee pink. :oops:

End result: THE most tastiest beetroot! Salt, pepper and a splash of vinegar. Nom nom nom!
Even if you can’t be arsed to grow your own beetroot, buy some uncooked beetroot from your supermarket or greengrocer, boil it for 25 mins and just eat it as it is. Watch out though - it can be addictive!

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