What have you been doing today?

We're making do with a turkey for dinner..
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Been replying to eBay as the person that COLLECTED something I sold is now saying parts missing and has submitted a refund/return claim. The photo of the item he bought that he attached to the claim shows exactly the same items as the photo in the advert! Meanwhile, eBay have put my payment on hold - strange that, I’ve already withdrawn funds so good luck with that. I’ve reported him to eBay for dishonestly requesting a refund. For some strange reason, my 'ebay scammer' thread on here has been locked.
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I’ll take the wheel off give it a thorough check over tomorrow - if I find anything on it, I’ll have to run it up to the workshop and repair it.
Took it off, still couldn’t see anything, gave it the soapy water treatment and…bolluks! Another trip up to the workshop before Christmas. :evil:

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Went over the allotment to pick my Christmas veg. Carrots, red cabbage, onions, new potatoes, sprouts. All organic. Not the prettiest but usually the tastiest. I bought my potatoes because the ones I grew (and I still have half a sack left) are better for mashing than roasting. Didn’t have much luck with the parsnips though - I had plenty of foliage which has all died off in the frost but when I dug the patch over, I only got 4 tiny ones. Dunno where they went. :unsure:


After that, we went shopping at Sainsburys. Carrots - 19p a bag. Parsnips 19p a bag. Red cabbage - 19p each. Sprouts - 19p a bag. Still, it’s the fresh air, exercise, social interaction and satisfaction that makes it worthwhile.
Food shopping, after running the fridge and freezer down for a couple of weeks.

Defrosted the chest freezer. Found Shergar at the bottom.
Amazing how much stuff you buy then promptly forget about once it's out of sight at the bottom of the heap. Thinking of employing some crates and segregating food, ie bread in one, puds in another and meat and fish etc in another.

Hopelessly attempting to get everything ready. It feels like wading through treacle....
Food shopping, after running the fridge and freezer down for a couple of weeks.

Defrosted the chest freezer.
We did exactly the same with the running down and finding bonus meals. Defrosted the freezers a week ago though.
Took it off, still couldn’t see anything, gave it the soapy water treatment and…bolluks! Another trip up to the workshop before Christmas. :evil:

View attachment 325972

Went up to the workshop and repaired the puncture. This was the cause of it.


It was a right bugger to get out too. Nothing protruding on the outside, the barest of point showing on the inside and because it’s threaded, I couldn’t push it through. I had to dig and lever and I eventually got it out using tiny side cutters and long nosed pliers from an electrical tool set. Went in at a 45° angle too so I had to follow the penetration angle with my reamer.
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