What have you been doing today?

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Went shopping in Truro for last minute gifts etc. Walking back to the car park we crossed a fairly busy road, when one side cleared we crossed to an island in the middle of the road while waiting for the traffic on that side to clear. A car flashed us and stopped to let us across, after we crossed the car pulled away and I noticed it was an Audi.
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Take the rest of the year off, @noseall :you've earned it (y) :D
It's not just the cooker and its components. The jet washer comes out and has to be packed away. About a 5 yard area around the cooker and sink has to be cleaned. Floor hoovered and washed. Garage requires a clean and all the steel wire brushes, cordless, bench etc has to be tidied away.

Yesterdays effort was the most efficient to date as I'd finished the cooker (and cleaned up) by about 2 pm. The worst part for me is handling the cooker doors glass, just before Christmas. I can only imagine the grief if I broke one of those.
Yesterdays effort was the most efficient to date as I'd finished the cooker (and cleaned up) by about 2 pm. The worst part for me is handling the cooker doors glass, just before Christmas. I can only imagine the grief if I broke one of those.

Lol. After Mrs Mottie had cleaned ours, there was still a small stain between the two glasses of the main door. I think it was you that showed us how to remove the doors so I told her I’d sort it out. She warned me in no uncertain terms not to fùck with the oven doors until after Christmas. :ROFLMAO:
I've just taken the turkey out of the freezer and put it in the back bedroom, making sure the rad is turned off!
I've just put the sprouts on, I'm hoping they will be ready by Monday.
I love sprouts! 8 minutes in the steamer, job done. (y)

I’ll be eating my own this year. :giggle:

Went shopping in Truro for last minute gifts etc. Walking back to the car park we crossed a fairly busy road, when one side cleared we crossed to an island in the middle of the road while waiting for the traffic on that side to clear. A car flashed us and stopped to let us across, after we crossed the car pulled away and I noticed it was an Audi.


Miracles happen this time of year.
I had a dry run at braised red cabbage for our Christmas dinner using my last red cabbage from the plot of Mott that I had nurtured for the best part of the year. I followed a James Martin recipe. Brown sugar, raisins, red wine, port, sherry, salt, redcurrant jelly and star anise, simmered it for an hour until all the liquid had reduced. It turned out far too sweet as I used too much of everything. I had another go with a red cabbage that I bought for 19p at Sainsbury's using less of everything and using light brown sugar instead of dark and it came out bloody handsome. It's in the fridge now, I've just got to warm it in the meecro-wah-vey on the day. Going to have a dry run with the carrots and sprouts just in case they turn out rank - I bought some of those too at 19p a bag, just as a back up. ;)
Renal still not happy with my too high BP, so they added a new pill to the mix which as advised on the label, I took the first one in the evening - to checke the reaction, then subsequent ones to be taken on the morning. I rather overreacted to the new pill, BP way down, heart rate way down too, I woke early with the cold sweats this early this morning, and too low BP. I'm not sure now, whether to stop taking them entirely, or just take half a pill per day.

Yesterday, a trip to the local town with Avril, for no particular reason than a wonder round. We are well stocked for Christmas with frozen veg, but she remembered Aldi were doing packs of veg for 15p each, so bought one of everything, so we are having fresh veg instead.
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