What have you been doing today?

Oh and a decent level of recovery if anything goes wrong. Sons already inherited my jump leads. Jacks etc come with the spare tyre.

I don't have air gun but do have a reasonable impact wrench from Lidl again. Garage well cars are a good excuse to buy another tool.
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Garage well cars are a good excuse to buy another tool.

No excuse needed, I can easily justify a well-equipped garage/workshop, just by thinking how much I have saved, over the years.

I pay the minimum for breakdown cover, so long as it will get us, car and caravan - I just need it to pull me out of danger, and if necessary recover broken down car and caravan back to home, not leave either, stranded.
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Swam a gentle half - hour openwater, before which I'd done a gym session for the old pins.

Now lounging in front of the telly, watching football and supping Shropshire Gold.
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No excuse needed, I can easily justify a well-equipped garage/workshop, just by thinking how much I have saved, over the years.
Too true and the application has led to my son doing a Mechanical Engineering degree. He does comment on how the let's try a fix had helped him.
Went over the allotment early this morning to avoid the heat but it was still bloody hot. I held out for an hour and a half before calling it a day. Might pop back over tonight if it’s cooler. While I was there, my plot neighbour turned up. Her husband had passed away a few weeks ago and the funeral is this Friday and this was the first time she had been here since he passed away. She looked like she had aged 20 years. I went over and told her how sorry I was to hear about her husband and that if she needed anything to ask me. She thanked me and hobbled off to their shed. After a few minutes I heard her sobbing. I went up and got one of the other ladies on the allotment who knew her well and she went and comforted her. So sad. :(
Our border collie, yesterday, and for the first time ever, said she didn't want to go for a ride in the car, but we eventually managed to persuade her. Then later the yesterday, Avril took her for a walk to collect our dinner, from the local chippy. She collapsed 50 yards from home, on the footpath, so Avril had to leave her there, and run home for my help to get her home. It was warm, maybe heat exhaustion - I gave her a dowsing of cool water. She's back to more or less normal now, thankfully.

Got the old water butt, cut down into a couple of planters, holes sealed up with hot melted glue, stuck cut down bits of the surplus plastic.
Swam a gentle half - hour openwater, before which I'd done a gym session for the old pins.

Now lounging in front of the telly, watching football and supping Shropshire Gold.
I need to man up and go open water swimming. It's great for your mental health.
Did my good deed for the day and it’s only 10.00! Our grandson is now out of the car seat we bought for him and into a booster seat. I was going to put it in the loft for when our new born granddaughter is big enough for it but Mrs Mottie has got it into her head that they only have a limited lifetime which would expire before she had grown out of it so she 'suggested' I either dumped it or gave it away on our local Facebook page. We’ve had some stuff from that too, best thing was a nearly new petrol mower. I put it up before I went out on my dog walk this morning and it’s just been collected. Just too good to throw away. The lady came from one of the closes off our road and was pushing a pram but thought she would be able to carry it home as well as push a pram with a kid in it. I told her she wouldn’t (it was no lightweight seat) so I carried it back to her house for her. It got heavier and more awkward to hold the further I went.

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The A/C on the Audi has been a bit crap lately so I was thinking it needs a regas. As it’s that 1234YF eco friendly gas, it comes at a premium. Audi recommend a service and pressure check every 2 years. Most places are asking £120-£140 for a top up. I took a chance and ordered a top up kit from eBay. £70. Took less than 10 minutes to do. One of these:


The kit weighed 538 grams in total before the top up and 482 grams afterwards so I still have plenty left for another top up or two if needed.

While I was at it, I let off a deodorising bacteria killing bomb so I’m fully set for summer.

I then dug out my old R134 kit and gave a squirt to the Golf.

Both cars are now back to their chilli best. :mrgreen:
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