What have you been doing today?

Some of the newer mobility scooters have regen braking. Some have regen and electromagnetic braking. But I'm not sure if regen works downhill.

I've been studying a few youtube videos on scooters, but all I have been able to find out, is how the brake works. It's a solenoid brake, on the end of the motor shaft, requiring to be powered to release it. From full speed, snap releasing the lever, it seems to slow down quite gently, then the once at a stop, the click, as the brake comes on - if on a slope, it then rocks back an inch or two. Which suggests either regen braking, or a worm-drive - using the motor speed to control slow down. So the brake disk, is really just the equivalent of a handbrake.
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Been to Beaulieu today. Been before but still a good day. I’ve had three people (two of who I don’t know) ring my Ring doorbell to tell me there’s a dead fox on my drive. Not a lot I can do until we get home on Monday. That'll be heaving with maggots by then! :sick:
Painting a ceiling at my BTL. For all the years I've been painting, I've never given the direction I'm painting ceilings in much thought. On watching a YT vid a few months back the guy said always paint ceilings in the direction of the main light source, usually a window. Good tip?

Anyway, I remembered this when almost finished! Mind you it was matt so I'm assuming doesn't matter as much if at all.
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Painting a ceiling at my BTL. For all the years I've been painting, I've never given the direction I'm painting ceilings in much thought. On watching a YT vid a few months back the guy said always paint ceilings in the direction of the main light source, usually a window. Good tip?

Anyway, I remembered this when almost finished! Mind you it was matt so I'm assuming doesn't matter as much if at all.

There's matt and there's matt, the amount of sheen can vary. Probably on about 3 occasions I've painted ceilings and the results have been horrific, usually longer rooms with a large light source like scoundrel doors at one end one, every ripple in the plaster and every imperfection stuck out like a cats balls.
On those occasions I've gone over them with a 'flat matt' or 'non reflective' matt. Dulux do a supermatt to overcome this but it's pricey, Wickes used to do a flat matt at a good price but haven't been in there for a while.
I don't think roller direction is critical, more important is maintaining a 'wet edge', ie, get the paint on quick before areas start drying which can lwave stripes.
After our meal, we had a walk around the grounds of the place we are staying at. They grow all the veg that they serve in the restaurant. The 'kitchen garden' is absolutely massive - bigger than the whole of our allotment site with a brick wall all around. This is just about a 20th of it and they grow every British vegetable you have heard of and a few that you haven’t! It’s so well tended too.

There was an Indian wedding at this hotel yesterday. Was a real spectacle to see the groom arrive. Singing, dancing, honking, smoke bombs etc.

This morning, the breakfast room was full with them all talking about the wedding. Mrs Mottie was talking to one who we think may have been either the groom or the brides mother. She asked whether we were just 'travelling' and when Mrs Mottie said we were celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary she clapped her hands and called for silence and announced "We have been celebrating a wedding but this couple are celebrating being married for 40 years". The whole room clapped and cheered. What lovely people.
Wiring up a car dash for the second time all the new rules ?? Probably from the EU ??

:( :cry:
I’ve had three people (two of who I don’t know) ring my Ring doorbell to tell me there’s a dead fox on my drive. Not a lot I can do until we get home on Monday. That'll be heaving with maggots by then! :sick:
Had a few more rings on the doorbell but unable to answer them as the battery had got too low. Came home…and it was gone! Just a stain on the pavers where some body juice had leaked out and a few flies on the stain. Someone has obviously disposed of it for me, I suppose I’ll find out who in a day or two.
Had a few more rings on the doorbell but unable to answer them as the battery had got too low. Came home…and it was gone! Just a stain on the pavers where some body juice had leaked out and a few flies on the stain. Someone has obviously disposed of it for me, I suppose I’ll find out who in a day or two.

Used to be a horse's head: threats just ain't got the menace and drama that they once had (y)
Installing a replacement overflow, for the replacement water butt. Water butt filled up and the old overflow[1] must have blocked, so it overfilled the barrel.

[1] the old overflow, was simply a bit of garden hose, put in under a slab, so it would discharge out to the nature reserve, alongside the back garden, which obviously became blocked up. That is now a 40mm plastic pipe.
Installing a replacement overflow, for the replacement water butt. Water butt filled up and the old overflow[1] must have blocked, so it overfilled the barrel.

[1] the old overflow, was simply a bit of garden hose, put in under a slab, so it would discharge out to the nature reserve, alongside the back garden, which obviously became blocked up. That is now a 40mm plastic pipe.

Is draining water from your property to another contrary to some law, rule, or regulation?
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