What have you been doing today?

Last time that happened I got stung on the lip and despite the resident bee keeper giving me some anti histamine, my lip, top teeth, chin and nose were numb for at least 12 hours and I didn’t fancy that again.
Last time I got stung by a bee was when I was around 12.
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Last time I got stung by a bee was when I was around 12.
I’ve just looked up my last attack - October last year!

I’m over the allotment at the moment and I’ve just been stung by a bee. The bloody thing kept buzzing around my head, trying to fly in my ear and down the back of my shirt and despite running from one side of the plot to the other, it kept following me. When I finally thought it had gone it came out of nowhere and stung me on my lip! The lady in the adjacent plot plucked the pulsating stinger out of my lip for me. Someone else got stung today as well. Two plot holders have beehives on their plot so it must have been one of theirs but one of them gave me an antihistamine tablet. It didn’t half hurt and it’s still hurting now and the numbness has travelled to my top gum and a couple of teeth!
a bit more done - I'm hoping the bits of beech will look like bright rays of sunshine - LOL
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A fast (6kmh) walk on a steep incline for just over 1 kilometre on the treadmill at the gym followed by a 15 minute swim. Knackered!

Making a chicken salad roll to take to work with me (retirements going well - I haven’t worked so much - 3 days this week which is more when I was ‘working’!), I forgot and took the top off the squeezy mayo bottle and squeezed. Whoops!

Today I was chased all over the place by one persistent bee - I’m sure it was trying to sting me in the head and it would just not go away.
Just noticed that it had got me! Got a raised lump on my shoulder the diameter of a penny. Thought I felt a small itch on my shoulder yesterday but it didn’t hurt at all. Just an annoying itch now.
A bit more done, the Cherry with Padauk in the centre is turning out OK,
For reasons beyond me the wood (triangle bits) and I don't know what type of wood it is, won't plane properly. I am going to have to level it all with a scraper - I will need new thumbs!
The beech is coming up nice, as beech always does.

Are the inlays at each point a deliberate design for the table or a practical solution to fix the sides together?
part of the design, it was my suggestion, thought those traditional bow ties would make it look like something made a long time ago, and she liked that idea

the shape of them would give great mechanical strength and then there is the extra glue area. but I doubt it needs them the way I have put it together.

difficult bit next putting in the strange planetary symbols - it could go very very wrong - purposefully saying sober the night to give me a steady hand
part of the design, it was my suggestion, thought those traditional bow ties would make it look like something made a long time ago, and she liked that idea

the shape of them would give great mechanical strength and then there is the extra glue area. but I doubt it needs them the way I have put it together.

difficult bit next putting in the strange planetary symbols - it could go very very wrong - purposefully saying sober the night to give me a steady hand
View attachment 348832
A happy coincidence then, as it bears a resemblance to the Extinction Rebellion logo - or the rune 'Dagaz', if she prefers. It adds a pleasing symmetry. (y)
those traditional bow ties
We have some of them on our stuff. I wondered whether they were just decorative or served a purpose. I would have thought that if they were to hold things together they might split along the grain?

A bit more done, the Cherry with Padauk in the centre is turning out OK,
For reasons beyond me the wood (triangle bits) and I don't know what type of wood it is, won't plane properly. I am going to have to level it all with a scraper - I will need new thumbs!
The beech is coming up nice, as beech always does.
View attachment 348785
View attachment 348786

Nice job, what will you use as a finish?
A happy coincidence then, as it bears a resemblance to the Extinction Rebellion logo - or the rune 'Dagaz', if she prefers. It adds a pleasing symmetry. (y)
so it does Dagaz Rune - the bringing in of change, a new day. Fits perfectly with the tables theme of sun and planets - (or is it witchcraft)

this is a second co incident with with these bow ties; I got the wood out of a skip, Brass coat hooks on a strip of wood, I kept the wood as it was a close grained very dark hardwood - a bloke I know from the shed who is an old cabinet maker (and is a wealth of knowledge of such things) told me it was Black Walnut. A few weeks later me and the wife were at an open garden day and my wife who likes her trees did not recognise one of the decorative trees in the garden so we photographed the leaves so as to identify it on a Plant ID website - you guessed it, it was a Black Walnut!
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