What have you been doing today?

Scavenging! Walking home from the station, I noticed three piles of used patio stones along the side of someone’s house. The homeowner was bringing them out. I asked if they were being thrown away and he said he was going to put them on Facebook and offer them for free. I said I’d have them for my allotment and he told me to help myself. I went home, got the Golf and went back to pick them up. 66 of them in total. I did it in two trips to the allotment with the Golf sitting like a dog wiping its arse! He said he is taking more up next week and I can take them too if I wanted. All 5 paths on my plot are now almost fully paved as well as having a patio area around my shed and my greenhouse. :)
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started a new coffee table, have been asked to inlay it with some strange designs (witchcraft ?) not sure.

Anyways, done the edge with some teak from some old garden furniture I found in a skip. nice wood to work with, I like teak - very hard
had a practice with one of the strange symbols and sort of got it OK, think I will do some bow ties for the mitred corners.
started a new coffee table, have been asked to inlay it with some strange designs (witchcraft ?) not sure.

Anyways, done the edge with some teak from some old garden furniture I found in a skip. nice wood to work with, I like teak - very hard
had a practice with one of the strange symbols and sort of got it OK, think I will do some bow ties for the mitred corners.
View attachment 348410
It's an alchemical symbol. Mercury, i think. Remove the cross beneath the circle and you have an Assyrian symbol for 'bull'. A seven-sided table suggests someone is dabbling in the dark arts. Is their surname Crowley by any chance?
started a new coffee table, have been asked to inlay it with some strange designs (witchcraft ?) not sure.

Anyways, done the edge with some teak from some old garden furniture I found in a skip. nice wood to work with, I like teak - very hard
had a practice with one of the strange symbols and sort of got it OK, think I will do some bow ties for the mitred corners.
View attachment 348410
Lovely woodwork there.

Could be a coincidence, but that symbol is used by hermaphrodites.
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It's an alchemical symbol. Mercury, i think. Remove the cross beneath the circle and you have an Assyrian symbol for 'bull'. A seven-sided table suggests someone is dabbling in the dark arts. Is their surname Crowley by any chance?
you're on the ball there, Mercury got a mention!
Aye, 7 Sides! 25.7°, a more modern chop saw might have declared I was pished again and suspended operations..

Could be a coincidence, but that symbol is used by hermaphrodites.
hope not, that would be weird, it may have to have an accident with a box of matches.

come to think of it, sibce the table is supposed to be a secret, may be I will be the one to burst into flames - LOL
you're on the ball there, Mercury got a mention!
Aye, 7 Sides! 25.7°, a more modern chop saw might have declared I was pished again and suspended operations..

Seven sides represents all kinds of things so you have to look closely at the context, but considering the sigil i'd call it a reference to the seven elements, including mercury. Does the person you're making it for wear a pointy hat and have a black cat?
Nowt much, for a change. Plan was to nip out on the scooter, to the SM, for a tin of pineapple rings, to go with the gammon, but it's been near continuous heavy rain since the early hours. As part of my attempt to clear some of the surplus items in my workshop, I put a jumbo bundle of varying, but useful lengths of flex on FB Market yesterday, at £10, just to get them out of the way - priced at the likely scrap copper value. Since when, I've been inundated with offers to buy. The first reply, from 30 miles away, offered £20, which I accepted, and he collected at 10am. I'm just puzzled as to why he offered double, what I was asking for the bundle???

All this rain, has been not entirely wasted....

I wanted to test the overflow discharge worked OK on the summerhouse water butt, that we fixed up yesterday - it did, but the guttering needs a little more adjustment, when I get a roundtuit.

I also wanted to check out the revised french drain system, under duress, around my garage and workshop. Rather strangely, immediately it was finished, with just a little rain, the garage floor got wet, since when it has worked perfectly, and even with today's deluge, it has remained perfectly dry.
started a new coffee table, have been asked to inlay it with some strange designs (witchcraft ?) not sure.

Anyways, done the edge with some teak from some old garden furniture I found in a skip. nice wood to work with, I like teak - very hard
had a practice with one of the strange symbols and sort of got it OK, think I will do some bow ties for the mitred corners.
View attachment 348410
a bit more done. starting to look worse, but not too unhappy yet

Been over the allotment building some defences up around my sweetcorn (completely netted them in) although the squirrels are getting more resourceful. My plot neighbour but one had his cage broken into the other night and the bastards chewed down half his plants. He's resorted to putting some rat traps in there to catch them. Today I was chased all over the place by one persistent bee - I’m sure it was trying to sting me in the head and it would just not go away. Last time that happened I got stung on the lip and despite the resident bee keeper giving me some anti histamine, my lip, top teeth, chin and nose were numb for at least 12 hours and I didn’t fancy that again.
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