What have you been doing today?

Currently having a break from painting the kitchen. Valspar 'Almond milk'. Might has well not bothered looking at dozens of colour charts and buying tester pots of this and that. B&Q trade magnolia would have been just the same. Of course, when Mrs Mottie comes home I’ll have to agree it looks bloody lovely. Just right. Perfect….. ;)

Valspar?, *sharp intake of breath*, any strange smells?

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Is that wise Harry?

Of course. They run on just enough voltage, to stimulate the nervous system, to trigger the muscles, though very little current. They are quite safe enough to apply the current and voltage across the chest/ the heart area. This particular one runs on a rechargeable, internal battery, and is in the very same case as my Iphone.
Valspar?, *sharp intake of breath*, any strange smells?

Nah. I’ve heard the comments before about smelling of cats pìss. We did our hall/stairs/landing in it and can’t smell anything. I think the dogs pìss overpowers it anyway. <joking>!
Nah. I’ve heard the comments before about smelling of cats pìss. We did our hall/stairs/landing in it and can’t smell anything. I think the dogs pìss overpowers it anyway. <joking>!

Think they sorted out the problem a few years back. Bit of a rum do at the time though.
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Of course. They run on just enough voltage, to stimulate the nervous system, to trigger the muscles, though very little current. They are quite safe enough to apply the current and voltage across the chest/ the heart area. This particular one runs on a rechargeable, internal battery, and is in the very same case as my Iphone.

Coincidentally, I've just had 15 minutes on our revitive machine which arrived this afternoon.
The missus did 30 minutes at setting 40, I did 15 minutes at setting 15 as I'm a bit sqeamish about electrical pulses, I'll up it to 20 tomorrow. They say it takes 7 days to feel any benefit. I'll let you know.

I did my back in a few weeks ago, which was the first time I made use of this particular tens machine. The best I can say, is that it seemed to help, or at least it disguised the pain whilst in use. This one has 6 different massage types, each with 4 separate routines (24 in total), and of course the usual 'volume' level setting, with two outlets. The first one I bought, was a massive mains powered, ex-commercial beast, packed with discrete electronics, but not a patch on this tiny thing.
Just been in Aldi. Heard a comotion at the back of the store. Went to have a look to see two assistants trying to wrestle a basket of joints of meat off some scuzzer as he was half way through the emergency exit. One assistant shouting at him to let go of basket. Just as I was moving forward to assist, one of the assistants came backwards at a rate of knots as the basket handle came away in his hand and almost knocked me over. He landed hard on his backside. Most of the basket of meat fell on floor and oxygen thief made off at speed with what was left in basket.

So that's riots in Leeds, etc and shoplifting where the police have retreated and let them get on with it. Just another day in lawless Britain.
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Currently having a break from painting the kitchen. Valspar 'Almond milk'. Might has well not bothered looking at dozens of colour charts and buying tester pots of this and that. B&Q trade magnolia would have been just the same. Of course, when Mrs Mottie comes home I’ll have to agree it looks bloody lovely. Just right. Perfect….. ;)
I made the mistake of (jokingly) mentioning it last night. Didn’t go down too well. Finished that end of the kitchen yesterday and currently on a break from the other half. Just using up some old 'sea salt' emulsion to white out one darker coloured feature wall before slapping on some more Magnolia. Sorry, 'Almond milk’. Ceiling and coving to do first though.
Painted the ceiling, coving and ceiling rose. I hate painting a white ceiling white - pretty pointless if you can’t see where you’ve painted. Mind you, years ago in our old house when I used to smoke, you could see it then! I fitted up a couple of shelves and a blind that Mrs Mottie had bought online. I’ve had enough for today - I might put one coat of the 'Almond milk' on the walls later tonight. Have to work tomorrow so may finish it off tomorrow night. Or Friday, I'll see how I feel. I've lost interest in the kitchen now - if it wasn’t for Mrs Mottie cracking the whip it would stay as it is now. Arthur, she calls me - Arthur job! :ROFLMAO:
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Painted the ceiling, coving and ceiling rose. Fitted up a couple of shelves and a blind that Mrs Mottie had bought online. I’ve just about had enough for today - I might put one coat of the 'Almond milk' on the walls later tonight. Have to work tomorrow so may finish it off tomorrow night or Friday, I'll see how I feel. I've lost interest in the kitchen now - if it wasn’t for Mrs Mottie cracking the whip it would stay as it is now. Arthur, she calls me - Arthur job! :ROFLMAO:

Decorated a lounge several years ago and the woman must have tried about 30 samplers, the chosen colour had an exotic name but it was pretty much Magnolia.
More recently, did the exterior of a victorian villa, the woman erred toward light grey then chickened out going back to a cream with white cills and corners, she couldn't decide on a shade and after a while said there was a similar house up the road that was absolutely perfect so she was going to knock on the door and ask what colour it was, yep, you guessed it, Magnolia.
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