What have you been doing today?

Just harvested some beans from the plot. French, Borlotti and Runner.

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I have had all the fun of the fair today! Had a hospital appointment at Urology.

1. Flexible Cystoscopy.

2. Digital prostate exam.

3. Bladder ultrasound.

4. Blood tests.

Dreading the first. Had this done 3 times in the past and each time it was extremely unpleasant.

Twice they did not use anaesthetic gel. Complained at the time and again today and was told "Oh no, we always use Lidocaine gel."

Made sure they used it today and that it had time to take effect.
It was still extremely uncomfortable...

Again, they invited me to look at the screen.

Then another finger up the bum.

Then more bladder ultrasound. I had some on Tuesday evening.

And finally, another prick. This time in my left arm for blood samples.


1. The bladder I was told was fine and dandy.

2. The prostate I was told was "nice and soft". And my PSA from December was 0.27.

3. The ultrasound proved I was emptying the bladder fully. The ultrasound I had on Tuesday also showed "correct voiding" of the bladder.

4. Bloods taken to check renal function and I await the results.

5. An appointment will be made for me to have another CT scan of my urinary tract. The last one showed everything was fine with my urinary tract.

Once all the results are in, I shall have a conflab with my Urology consultant.
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My task today is: De-weed the front drive. I'm having to use one of those pointy wire brush on a broom handle thingys to get right in between the paviers. Wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t in full sun, I’m having to keep coming in for a glass of water and a cool down as well as a bit of browsing!
My task today is: De-weed the front drive. I'm having to use one of those pointy wire brush on a broom handle thingys to get right in between the paviers. Wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t in full sun, I’m having to keep coming in for a glass of water and a cool down as well as a bit of browsing!

You should have waited until tomorrow. It's going to be even hotter.
My task today is: De-weed the front drive. I'm having to use one of those pointy wire brush on a broom handle thingys to get right in between the paviers. Wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t in full sun, I’m having to keep coming in for a glass of water and a cool down as well as a bit of browsing!
Just Glyphosate the feckers!!!
Popped over the allotment today and found that the bloody squirrel gang had chewed through my netting and eaten or vandalised my sweetcorn crop. This is the third year they’ve done that - wire cage next year. I thought I’d got away with it as they have been breaking and entering other plot holders netted sweetcorn. Funnily enough, some people (admittedly further away from the trees they live in) that have not netted their sweetcorn have had no bother - yet! They left me just two of 'em. The little shìts.

Popped over the allotment today and found that the bloody squirrel gang had chewed through my netting and eaten or vandalised my sweetcorn crop. This is the third year they’ve done that - wire cage next year. I thought I’d got away with it as they have been breaking and entering other plot holders netted sweetcorn. Funnily enough, some people (admittedly further away from the trees they live in) that have not netted their sweetcorn have had no bother - yet! They left me just two of 'em. The little shìts.

View attachment 350794

Nature is cruel (y)
Popped over the allotment today and found that the bloody squirrel gang had chewed through my netting and eaten or vandalised my sweetcorn crop. This is the third year they’ve done that - wire cage next year. I thought I’d got away with it as they have been breaking and entering other plot holders netted sweetcorn. Funnily enough, some people (admittedly further away from the trees they live in) that have not netted their sweetcorn have had no bother - yet! They left me just two of 'em. The little shìts.

View attachment 350794
Well, just like the 29p carrots, parsnips and sprouts at Christmas, it’s the taking part that counts…

Had to have my annual blood tests plus one for coeliac as our daughter has been diagnosed with it.
Mine came back ok, Mrs Mottie not so. Further tests needed. Looks like her brother and sister will need to be tested too.
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