What have you been doing today?

The missus did 30 minutes at setting 40, I did 15 minutes at setting 15 as I'm a bit sqeamish about electrical pulses, I'll up it to 20 tomorrow. They say it takes 7 days to feel any benefit. I'll let you know.
I have a 100 amp stick welder - might see if I can hook myself up to that for some major revitalisation
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Popped over the plot while it was still light. Haven’t been over there for a few days. Last time I did, my courgettes were this size:


Tonight they were this size - too big for me so I left them on the giving table near the entrance - someone will make use of them.


The bees were busy collecting pollen from my artichokes:


And my pumpkins are coming along fine.


Finally, I cut some of my Glads from my front bed and took them round to my mum, along with some runner beans.

Just been in Aldi. Heard a comotion at the back of the store. Went to have a look to see two assistants trying to wrestle a basket of joints of meat off some scuzzer as he was half way through the emergency exit. One assistant shouting at him to let go of basket. Just as I was moving forward to assist, one of the assistants came backwards at a rate of knots as the basket handle came away in his hand and almost knocked me over. He landed hard on his backside. Most of the basket of meat fell on floor and oxygen thief made off at speed with what was left in basket.

So that's riots in Leeds, etc and shoplifting where the police have retreated and let them get on with it. Just another day in lawless Britain.
Police not interested in shoplifting was a Tory thing

You know, soft on crime. Not enough police.

Seems labour are addressing this already
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Up early. Swim and gym. Gave the back half of kitchen its first coat of paint. Then went to work! Took my mates Boardman cycle to work with me and got the cycle mechanic student’s in the place I oversee the quality of training and assessments to give it a full service and fit a new chain, F.O.C. of course. ;) I owed him a favour or two as he wouldn’t take anything for plastering my kitchen a while back. Going to service his Transit for him as well before I sell the workshop. Second coat of paint going on to the kitchen after tea. Paint the woodwork tomorrow and THATS IT!
Checking touring caravan over, in readiness. The towing plug to the car, was looking a bit tatty, with black tape I'd put around it, where the cable outer had begun to split, as there was plenty of length on the cable - I decided to remake the plug off. I found I couldn't budge the terminal screws, without risk of breaking them, and so cut the wires and tried a bit of heat. Still wouldn't budge, so ring local car-parts place, in the next village, to see if they had them in stock. They did, and quicker hopping on the bus there, than getting the car out to go - Except the first two scheduled buses had been cancelled, so stood there 45 minutes, watching the world go by, for a 10-minute ride.

Plug sourced, fitted, and I just need to test things out, with a spare battery, but easier with two, so I'll wait until Avril gets home from her work.

My latest batch of wine was fermented out, and had cleared, so I bottled it, yesterday morning, and decided to drop a bottle of my last batch off, along with a bottle of my yesterday's batch, off with a mate, for comparison/comment. I rang to see if he would be in, intending to nip round on the scooter, no reply, decided to make the trip anyway. No one in, so left them on a back garden seat. I tried ringing again today, still no reply, then later a call came back - he was rushed into hospital on Sunday, seriously ill.
Renewing my car insurance. I received the renewal email last Friday, emailed my broker back asking them to check if could find me a cheaper quote, as it was up by 25% on last year, and failed to get a reply. Down to the final 5 days, so I rang them to give them a prod, and they got on with the requote. They came up with a much greater/better level of cover, saving me £22 in the process. My insurance cost, is around 60% of the online quotes.

Their first question was - have you had any other quotes to compare against. I always give them the same answer, 'no I don't bother with that', they are a broker, find me a good quote. I done it several times, and each time it has worked, but I have used them for a lot of years.
Finished the painting of the woodwork in the kitchen - skirtings and architraves etc. Only one minor f'ck up. I painted a shelf on a half wall I have. Gave it a nice thick coat of paint to let the brush marks flatten out. I then completely forgot about it and put a roll of masking tape down on it. I only realised when I was tidying up and tried to pick the roll of tape up. I’ll let it harden, sand off and repaint it again tomorrow. Just a few pictures to hang and I’m all done.
Finished the painting of the woodwork in the kitchen - skirtings and architraves etc. Only one minor f'ck up. I painted a shelf on a half wall I have. Gave it a nice thick coat of paint to let the brush marks flatten out. I then completely forgot about it and put a roll of masking tape down on it. I only realised when I was tidying up and tried to pick the roll of tape up. I’ll let it harden, sand off and repaint it again tomorrow. Just a few pictures to hang and I’m all done.

Good man. (y)
The missus did 30 minutes at setting 40, I did 15 minutes at setting 15 as I'm a bit sqeamish about electrical pulses, I'll up it to 20 tomorrow. They say it takes 7 days to feel any benefit. I'll let you know.
I wonder if it makes any other bits of the body more alive?

Could do with that.
Defrosted the chest freezer, now I know where all the dissapearing glaciers are:giggle:
What with council cutbacks, our estate hasn’t been weeded for months. The gutters look like they have a forest in them. Someone on our Facebook page suggested a communal clean up earlier in the week. I couldn’t make that day so I did mine today. I did mine, my adjoining neighbour as well as the two semi's to my left as some in those houses are either too old, too lazy or too immobile to do it. Had to use a spade and ended up cutting limos of weed turf to clear the majority of it. After that, I got the Karcher out and on full power, I made a tidy job of it. Took up a fair bit of tarmac from the pavement too though. Still, looks a lot better now.

Oh yeah, I tidied up our new junk drawer in the kitchen after a serious cull of the junk from the old junk drawer!

What with council cutbacks, our estate hasn’t been weeded for months.

I do my own frontage, and a little way either side, it's not much extra effort, when the tools are already out for the garden.

Oh yeah, I tidied up our new junk drawer in the kitchen after a serious cull of the junk from the old junk drawer!

I don't have one of those, but do keep intending to organise one with a few basic tools - I already have a number of tool kits stored around the place, in two workshops, but not really to hand.
Getting off, on holiday, for a couple of weeks......

Our street is quite wide, but I have to couple caravan to car, out on the road, car first, then the caravan driven out the drive on it's mover, the manouvering out of which, occupies almost the full width of the road. Most drivers realise what you are doing and wait a few seconds - not one of the local idjuts, in a 4x4. There I was, stood well across the other side of the road, nose of caravan close behind me, and walking backward as I led the caravan out, to begin to swing it around once out of my gates. Along comes local idjut, at full speed, drives up on the pavement behind to shoot past, narrowly missing me.

A little later, single track road, a second idjut, decides its a good idea to overtake with a large tractor coming the opposite way, with a long tailback following it. If both me and the tractor had not braked, and swerved, he would have hit the tractor head-on.
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