When considering in or out:

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I know where you live. The coach and horses. The white bear. Yankee base just up the road.
Londoner is stretching the truth a bit.
Who do I hate? Do I hate anyone? News to me.
Perhaps your own hatred is making you blind, least of all because you didn't read what I wrote properly.
Yes - fair point - I got you mixed up with the others, and I apologise.

You really need to get a life.
I have one, thanks, and I am enjoying expressing its moral superiority.

I voted remain, so did my better half. Most, but not all of our family voted leave. My family is not racist, nor have a hatred of foreigners.

How could they possibly stomach being on the same side as all the leave supporters who were blatantly racist?

It's people like you who are helping to create this division
No - the division was created by the racists and ******* who voted out.

labeling everyone who voted out as a racist.
No - I did not say that everyone was. But they had to be sympathetic, fellow travellers, happy to go along with the racism, or they could not have been able to bear throwing in their lot with them.

You make me ashamed with your admission of hatred to those who voted out
They have ruined and brought shame on this country.

not knowing who they, what sort of a person they are or their reasons for voting out.
Unless they were one of the few cynical, self-serving rich who saw it as a great opportunity to increase their power and influence by diminishing the country then they can have had no reasons.

There are no reasons, only ignorance and/or racism.

You are actually showing the same blind, blanket hatred for leavers that you accuse racists of doing to foreigners.
Not the same. I hate them for the disgusting and hateful thing they chose to do. They had a free choice, they didn't have to vote leave. Not the same at all as hating people simply because of where they were born, or their racial background.
It's been done to death before, but being anti-European people (the vast majority, anyway) is not racist.

Xenophobia in its true definition - irrational fear of foreigners.
Misoxenia ? - hatred of foreigners.

Of course, they will say they don't hate or fear them; they just don't want them in Britain.
I'm not sure what that is called.
It is sad that someone has to trawl through a dictionary in order to convince themselves that racism cannot exist. :rolleyes:
Sorry Noseall, but you have given the impression of playing the race card
Gotcha. Impression.(y)
by talking about brexiteers hating foreigners
Is this another one of those 'impression' things again? Show me where I have accused posters of hating foreigners?
then calling them RWR.
At least this bit is correct. It is only my impression of these posters though, you must understand.
It was only recently that you clarified the final R as being *******.
It wasn't that recent and it has NEVER been any different in my book. It has only ever been written (by me) as right wing *******, and was first written as text and not the RWR acronym. It was those posters with right wing leanings that tried to establish the final letter as 'racist'. Funny that eh.
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THEN WTF DID THEY VOTE TO LEAVE? How could they possibly stomach being on the same side as all the leave supporters who were blatantly racist? They have ruined and brought shame on this country. There are no reasons, only ignorance and/or racism.
Okaaaayyy... you're now either trolling or being intellectually obtuse. You can't honestly believe there were literally zero reasons to leave other than arbitrary racism.
I have one, thanks, and I am enjoying expressing its moral superiority.
Prob is that your not being morally superior. You're being a bully. Don't get the two confused.

How could they possibly stomach being on the same side as all the leave supporters who were blatantly racist?
They have their reasons which you will never be able to get because you are blinkered on this matter.
No - the division was created by the racists and ******* who voted out.
Rubbish. As soon as you go onto your rants calling brexiters racists and ******* then you create a divide. You stop people conversing, you stop all debate and you shut people down. This creates a 'them and me' divide and nothing moves forward.
No - I did not say that everyone was. But they had to be sympathetic, fellow travellers, happy to go along with the racism, or they could not have been able to bear throwing in their lot with them.
I can't even be bothered to address that, other than to say your imagination is running riot.
They have ruined and brought shame on this country.
That will become apparent (or not) in the fullness of time. Unless you can look into a crystal ball, you have no idea if Brexit will ruin this country. Sure, there are going to be some tough times as things change but it doesn't have to be the end.
Unless they were one of the few cynical, self-serving rich who saw it as a great opportunity to increase their power and influence by diminishing the country then they can have had no reasons.

There are no reasons, only ignorance and/or racism.
Unlike you, I refuse to believe that 17 million people who voted leave are ignorant and/or racist because of Brexit. Unless Nigel Farage managed to put something in the water?
For starters there's the media's role, the misinformation by our government, austerity by our government, complacency by our government.... oh look, perhaps we should look at our government. Then there's Farage who did everything he could to get people to leave, even if it meant he told porkies. Then look at the 'project fear' and the porkies they told when they could finally be bothered to say something. Then look at the lack of understanding of exactly how many people in the UK were Eurosceptics (and why) and the very real lack of drive and commitment that the remainers made because it was commonly thought that the vote would be to remain. They were complacent and they played their part making it easy for Leavers to win. Racism? You're blaming the wrong people. Sure there are a few racists but 17 million people didn't all suddenly become racist. Blame the people who informed the voters.
I won't even start on the fact that our government allowed the public to go to the polls without organisation or without a plan for if we left the EU.
Not the same. I hate them for the disgusting and hateful thing they chose to do. They had a free choice, they didn't have to vote leave. Not the same at all as hating people simply because of where they were born, or their racial background.
Of course you wouldn't see it. Racism is indeed hating someone because they are from somewhere different. But it's blind hatred, not seeing reason, not questioning the hatred and just hating. Take away the race part and you're hating people blindly, not seeing reason and just hating. It's very sad to live your life with such negativity and be careful as it can eat you up.
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