Who uses Pagers these days anyway?

Sailing close to the wind, keep it up and you might get a visit
Algas's intention was plain to see, if you follow the comments:
Yes I imagine quite a few Hezbollah fighters will be saying 'Armageddon outta here'.
And we could give Starmer and his cabinet early Xmas presents
Algas is either unware of the two MP who were killed recently, or he's trying to incite a third. :mad:

But you think suggesting a targeting of the PM and the Cabinet, with small exploding devices, is acceptable? :rolleyes:
Give your head a shake. :mad:
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For directly targeting terrorists, really?
And anyone who happens to be in close proximity.
And any child who picks up the device when it makes a sound.
And any health workers who also use the pagers.

And it's not just the deaths, it's the life changing injuries of thousands of innocent civilians.
Absolutely outrageous, those damned Jews should go outside, lay down and let the rockets rain down on them.

And useful idiots like you could feel all nice and smug about it.

Don't worry Vinty, Irelands version of Hamas and Hezbollah are coming for 'your lot'.

There are rules, even in war.
Random killing and injuring of innocent civilians and the families of combatants is contrary to international law.

When those supposedly enforcing the rules and the law resort to breaking those rules and laws, then law and order has completely broken down.
When those breaking those rules claim to be the most moral army in the world, then the world has gone MAD.
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It's been happening 'the other way round' for 50 years.
It's been happening both ways for 70 years.
The only difference is in the way it's been reported and described by Western Nations, who's only interest is in having a friendly nation in the Middle East.
Not a Doctor then. Thank you.

For example, Tuesday’s attack killed a medic who worked at Al Rassoul Al Azam Hospital, which is linked to Hezbollah-associated charities.
"...civil servants are to be treated as civilians under IHL unless they are known to partake in military operations. “Would anyone suggest that all Israelis who are affiliated with one of the parties in Israel’s government are legitimate targets?”
One you tube clip claims the pagers were intercepted, modified and sent on their way
If that is the case and Hezbollahs supply chains can be compromised, that could open a whole range of possibilities for Israeli mischief makers.
If Hezbollah gets a lot of its weapons from the likes of Iran, that means a long journey, at any point their arms supplies could be intercepted and 'modified ',a typical AK round could be 'modified ' to explode on firing, this would be lethal to the firer, if their ammunition supplies are seeded with enough of this type of ammo , it could have a psychological impact on Hezbollahs fighters, every time they fired a shot , they would be closing their eyes and praying to Allah.
Only for those that have no concern for the innocent.
Who enforces these rules anyway.
It's an established principle that only the losers in war are war criminals.
If Hitler had won WW2 , there is no doubt it would have been Winston Churchill and Bomber Harris who would have been in the Dock for war crimes.
Fortunately Hitler didn't win the war.
Who enforces these rules anyway.
It's an established principle that only the losers in war are war criminals.
If Hitler had won WW2 , there is no doubt it would have been Winston Churchill and Bomber Harris who would have been in the Dock for war crimes.
Fortunately Hitler didn't win the war.
The International Criminal Court (ICC) investigates and, where warranted, tries individuals charged with the gravest crimes of concern to the international community: genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and the crime of aggression.

Some countries have announced their disrespect for the ICC. Yet the West continue to send them arms to wage their aggression.
Israel is not a member of the ICC and disputes the ICC's jurisdiction,
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu repeatedly condemned the allegations and investigation as "antisemitic".

Very much like Fillyboy and Motorbiking, anything they dislike they call it anti-Semitism. :rolleyes:
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