Why Are There So Many Lesbians Now?

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There's a huge amount of fear and ignorance on what is and isn't in PHSE lessons. I'm sure the quality of teaching varies as much as every other subject, but the idiots complaining about LGBT being pushed or children being indoctrinated are just that.
...and it wasn't that long ago when there was, what could be termed by some, 'indoctrination' happening in schools.
I'm not that old, but clearly remember sitting down every morning in assembly and having to recite the lord's prayer.

It was only far later, in secondary school, that the concept of other religions were introduced in RE classes.

I won't be stopping my child attending classes, that teach them about the diversity of people and opinions.

...although my ethical stance had a bit of a workout, when there was a mandate from the school that they had to dress up as Shepards or Angels, for the Nativity play...
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People that liked people of the same sex have been around since year dot. We'll never know if there are more now than decades/centuries ago because we obviously don't have stats from those periods. If you speak to some countries present day (mostly if not exclusively dictatorships) they'll no doubt tell you they have almost zero gay people. They don't of course, it's simply because they have policies making it illegal and/or very difficult to be a gay person in that country. Ultimately, they're only fooling themselves.

As for woman not dressing as woman, again you're applying what might be considered stereotypical views to 'the way things were' until relatively recent times. I do agree it can all be a bit of a minefield for men these days e.g. you might see a pic of a female celeb online wearing next to nothing e.g. at a movie premier with her (.) (.) just about on full display. However if you were to make a comment with even remote sexual undertones you'd get shouted down in most quarters for being a perv, being told 'she is dressing that way for herself, no one else!' Yeah, whatever.

If you stop and think about it though, it's no surprise some woman get fed up about much of this. I watched a few mins of a sh1te action movie last night, made in 2019 so not that long ago. 5 characters trapped in the desert, 4 men 1 woman. The men were all pretty much covered head to toe, shirts, trousers etc. Not much flesh on show. The woman had a crop top and shorts on. I wasn't complaining, she had a nice figure, however you can see why some people, predominantly females no doubt, are getting fed up around much of this stuff.

I never had kids, however I have nieces and nephews. All I know is, if any of them come out as gay, I'd rather we lived in a society that accepted them and where they faced no more/less hassle than anyone else. Wouldn't you?
The old trans are up in arms in the Ukraine they are not being allowed to leave the country as women and getting signed up to fight the russians from what is says on their birth certificates . Male
The old trans are up in arms in the Ukraine they are not being allowed to leave the country as women and getting signed up to fight the russians from what is says on their birth certificates . Male
Have you just made that up?
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I'm not that old, but clearly remember sitting down every morning in assembly and having to recite the lord's prayer.
So do I, and I still go to church occasionally and recite it (no, I haven't been today).

It isn't indoctrination, it is the truth and it is what made us the greatest country in all history, and it is Britain's tradition of over a thousand years.
..although my ethical stance had a bit of a workout, when there was a mandate from the school that they had to dress up as Shepards or Angels, for the Nativity play...
Hasn't your soul-searching made you realise that all our country's present trouble flows from our abandoning of Christian teachings, or at least has been coincidental with the abandoning?
Another part of this phenomenon is the demonisation of males. Think how often we hear the phrase "toxic masculinity" now.

Yep, suddenly men are public enemy no 1. And the millennial, manbag toting simps posing as 'new men' are more than happy to go along with it. Wasn't long ago they needed blokes to fight wars, invent anything worth inventing and build the modern world we enjoy. Now they've got it all they think they don't need them. Ungrateful b'stards! They might get their comeuppance with the invasion on stabby, groomy types being encouraged and no one to defend them because all the indigenous menfolk are either playing Candy Crush or cowering in safe spaces. :ROFLMAO:
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They seem to be everywhere. Is there something in the food and water causing genetic alterations? There is a lot of talk about the drugs and fertilisers used in farming getting into the food chain or leaching into water courses.

Or have we always had many lesbians and it is only recently that they "come out"?

I've also noticed a reduction in femininity in women in general: fewer of them dress up, wear perfume/makeup and beautify themselves nowadays. Or is my idea of beauty out of fashion? Plenty of women are choosing the rubber lips and slugs-for-eyebrows look, with fake boobs and an orange tan. These grotesqueries are not my idea of beauty.
Maybe they think it’s easier to claim to be lesbian than deal with your Misogyny.
It's entirely possible. The Ukrainian conscription process is far from perfect.

There is a video of a soldier near the front lines getting a call saying he has to report for conscription or he will be arrested. When he pointed out can't attend the office as he'd be tried for Desertion as he had already joined and been sent to combat they did not change their opinion.

Ukraine has a lot of corruption and inefficient bureaucracy. Hard to avoid it when you're that close to Russia.
:rolleyes: Much of this is "what would you expect?

People have throughout history been influenced by religion, societal, cultural etc norms and attitudes to be afraid of, hide, reject and protect from anything which suggests less than 100% heterosexuality.
The history of lesbianism is quite interesting, having had more acceptance, or less revulsion anyway, partly due to the lack of unhygeinic intromittent activity and associated disease transmission.
We are in a period of transition, towards individual freedoms, and rejection of prejudicial attitudes to defined groups. So, overall nothing very surprising or unpredictable is going on.
Difficulties at upper school ages are just a focus for that. Pitch archaic attitudes of parents and some schools with conservative tendencies, against desires of freedom in the kids, at a time when the kids' hormones and parents' control worries are in violent flux, and what would anyone expect?

Whether general acceptance of a continuous spectrum of gender will conspire against stability of relationships, I don't know. What happens If you start off with your partner where you've both been open about being say only two-thirds sexually attracted, and so therefore less obliged to hide your other-side urges? Would there be more of a temptation to have a go at exercising them for a while? I think it was Woody Allen who mused on whether it was worse that his wife had left him for another woman.

Perhaps the worst aspect of addressing the subject is that it brings out the jetsam trolls who think it's clever to take the píss, and those who pathetically try to defend some revolting, failed, off-the-shelf morality from indoctrinated religion.
Or have we always had many lesbians and it is only recently that they "come out"?

That's it. They've always been there, but when you get beaten, imprisoned, raped etc etc for being a lesbian, gay or otherwise not normal", you tend to hide away. It takes time for people to feel comfortable to display their affection in public.
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