Why Are There So Many Lesbians Now?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 18243
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I'm going to repeat what I asked earlier in this thread, if any of us had (have) children or loved ones that come out as gay or, indeed, transgender, would we not want our society to treat them with respect? I'd be interested to know what folk like Andy et al. would say to a son/daughter who came out as gay. Perhaps they would be true to their convictions and say 'leave now and don't darken my door again, you are lost to me.'
They seem to be everywhere. Is there something in the food and water causing genetic alterations? There is a lot of talk about the drugs and fertilisers used in farming getting into the food chain or leaching into water courses.

Or have we always had many lesbians and it is only recently that they "come out"?

I've also noticed a reduction in femininity in women in general: fewer of them dress up, wear perfume/makeup and beautify themselves nowadays. Or is my idea of beauty out of fashion? Plenty of women are choosing the rubber lips and slugs-for-eyebrows look, with fake boobs and an orange tan. These grotesqueries are not my idea of beauty.

I don't understand. You seem to be bemoaning the lack of women trying to be feminine, and then complain about the women that engage in the ridiculous "look at me" (read: fancy me) cosmetic/plastic surgery as being evidence of... what? Hormones in the water?

Is this short hand for "any bird that doesn't fancy me when I talk to her in the pub must be batting for the 'other side'"?

Andy, if you want, I can send you a link for low friction creams and websites that will help you- all you need is internet access and your hand.

Once enabled, I hope it improves your life.

Seriously though, I have grey hair but still get my beans.

Come back and ask for advice about getting a girl friend. You don't need to to live alone, x
I'm going to repeat what I asked earlier in this thread, if any of us had (have) children or loved ones that come out as gay or, indeed, transgender, would we not want our society to treat them with respect? I'd be interested to know what folk like Andy et al. would say to a son/daughter who came out as gay. Perhaps they would be true to their convictions and say 'leave now and don't darken my door again, you are lost to me.'
I know that's pretty close to what my father would have said, because he said he would have done.
Entirely in character, he was a POS.
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I'm going to repeat what I asked earlier in this thread, if any of us had (have) children or loved ones that come out as gay or, indeed, transgender, would we not want our society to treat them with respect? I'd be interested to know what folk like Andy et al. would say to a son/daughter who came out as gay. Perhaps they would be true to their convictions and say 'leave now and don't darken my door again, you are lost to me.'
It still upsets me that my favourite uncle, with days left to live, did not acknowledge that his son was gay & allow him to visit his deathbed. My cousin Jason has always been one of my favourite family members & he has always been a massive hit with both my kids & my grandkids. Unceremoniously kicked out of the house at 18, he has enjoyed the same partner for more than 40yrs & lives a life that is still both full of fun & productive.

If you were a parent of a child that came out to you as gay . . . . Then it would just confirm what you already knew.

If it didn't then you have failed as a parent.
Nothing wrong with being gay as long as it isn't made compulsory.

Gay bloke I worked with was always saying "women are alright, but they're not as good as the real thing." :giggle:

Many. many moons ago., I worked at House of Farce (Fraser, to those not employed there).

A part of (IIRC) the third floor was given over to "the alterations dept", where off-the-peg suits, jackets, trousers, dresses etc were tweaked for the punter.
Dept was run by Larry Grayson's extra-effeminate cousin, whose favourite phrase was "30 yrs in the business, and NEVER dropped a sequin!" :ROFLMAO:
If you were a parent of a child that came out to you as gay . . . . Then it would just confirm what you already knew.

If it didn't then you have failed as a parent.
I have known one f one m who hid it from their parents well enough not to have been sussed. The lass is very reserved, and the lad displayed enough general interest to leave uncertainty, though really he's now decided he's "pan".
A bit like V. Woolf who said something along the lines that to her it didn't matter much what bits were rubbed together.
Lots of presuming and prejudice on this thread! Many of you have assumed (wrongly) that I don't like lesbians.

I merely asked why there appears to be more of them now than ever. Only JP actually answered this, most of you made personal digs at me. I need a safe space.
Lots of presuming and prejudice on this thread! Many of you have assumed (wrongly) that I don't like lesbians.
You come across as a bloke that despises women (Muslims, dark people, foreigners, honesty, anyone different).
Lots of presuming and prejudice on this thread! Many of you have assumed (wrongly) that I don't like lesbians.

I merely asked why there appears to be more of them now than ever. Only JP actually answered this, most of you made personal digs at me. I need a safe space.
Because in the main, society doesn't shun people in these brackets any longer, which is a good thing in my opinion. There probably aren't 'more', it's just that more people now feel free to express who they really are.
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