What’s your option of the Hamas invasion of Isreal last year. Did they have it coming?
Israel should have been ( and I suspect they were) aware of the threat of a serious uprising by Hamas and other groups.
They'd been subjecting Palestinians, especially in Gaza, but also in the West Bank to inhuman subjugation, torture, arrest without charge or reason, extra-judicial killing, apartheid, and restriction of association, etc for 70 years.
There's no global equivalence to the monitoring of a border greater than the Israel - Gaza one.
There's no global equivalence of monitoring of communications between civilians and Hamas ( and other armed groups), greater than that in Gaza.
Israel claims to know precisely where Hamas and other armed groups are, down to a few metres inside Gaza, Lebanon and Iran.
Yet they (claim) that they had no forewarning of the Hamas and other groups incursion into Israel.
It was an operation planed months in advance, supposedly by persons or groups financed by and from Iran.
Israel were so careless as to allow a pop concert within 3 miles of the Israel - Gaza border.
They were so careless to allow reductions and relaxations of the protection of that border.
The exact location wasn't disclosed until a few hours before the start of the concert.
And the concert was staged so close to a weak, probably the weakest, part of the border.
If you believe that, you're more gullible than I gave you credit.
It was an excuse to reign terror on Gaza for the ultimate aims of the Zionists in the Israeli government.
Even now they continue to provoke Lebanon and Iran into a full scale regional conflict, all with the support of USA and other western powers.