Why is there no plan?

Get over Brexit otherwise you will dye an unhappy man.

The anti-EU whiners spent 45 years moaning.

i dare say most pro-EU Brits will stop drawing attention to the omnishambles around 2070.

Rees Mogg says we should be over the worst of Brexit after 50 years.
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Viktor has been carrying a torch for Putin and telling his country to love the Russian Empire.

He is trying to distance himself from himself now.

Elections are coming up.
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Nor Does Hungary but would you want Viktor Orbán leading your country?
No, but apparently his attitude has changed somewhat since this all kicked off. By Saturday Hungary had taken 180,000 Ukrainians...
Viktor has been carrying a torch for Putin and telling his country to love the Russian Empire.

He is trying to distance himself from himself now.

Elections are coming up.

He's not all bad
What is it about, then?
Why can't we get our arses in gear and help?
Why are the Cons so heartless and unwilling to help, unless it's themselves they are helping?
They are an absolute shower of sh*t.
They don't want to alienate their voting base.
They don't want to p*ss off Russians they're involved with to varying degrees.
They don't really want to let anyone in.

So they blame things like policy and process.

Imagine if, 50 years from now, our children and grandchildren need to flee the UK. You'd like to think other countries would let them in, quickly, no?
If I were 30 again I'd be considering doing just that! (but I would have got out before Brexit - that or not divorced Mrs JnK #1 who held an EU passport)
They don't want to alienate their voting base.
They don't want to p*ss off Russians they're involved with to varying degrees.
They don't really want to let anyone in.

So they blame things like policy and process.

Imagine if, 50 years from now, our children and grandchildren need to flee the UK. You'd like to think other countries would let them in, quickly, no?

I'm thinking now that if it really went tits off I'd be sending my girls to Canada the US or Australia
Spirit of the Blitz? Only if it goes titsup with the Kremlin Krazy Klub we'll all be left hanging in the wind - as radioactive dust...

Nadobranich. Pryyemni sny.
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