Why the obsession with university!!

:rolleyes: Tut-Tut joe , I really thought you were going into one of your genuinely readable debates then :confused:

Have you revealed a Chip on your shoulder , are you an obsessed Inverted Snob.
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Then when the houses all fall down because the mortar crumbles, where are the chemical engineers who understand the mechanisms behind mundic reactions?

It didn't stop the Romans did it?
Haven't got time to argue with someone who wants to stop everyone else from getting what he got. What's his problem?
Err,,,,,,,,,not sure where you got that idea from.....read my initial post again.....

I was just making an observation. Don't assume Joe (and you do seem to be one of the worlds great assumers) that a university education is the bee all and end all and is a road to fame and fortune.

What I am saying is encourage your offspring but for their benefit not for reflected glory.
Read Donkmeister's post and understand there is always another side to the argument.
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What is going on here. A levels are no easier than years ago and of course university is a great. Experience. Get there and enjoy. What is apsley on about[/code][/quote]
I know a lot of people who have been to Uni who leave with a degree in whatever subject and go on to do something completely different. There are others who go into jobs that do not require several years of study in order to grasp the basics of the role and carry it out to a required standard.

Maybe the Nu-Lab push to get people into Uni was a way of keeping young people out of the jobcentre and the unemployment figures down? Hence all these mickey mouse degrees that cropped up.

Krishnamurti wrote: "education is nothing more than the cultivation of memory" (or something like that) Sorry I don't quite remember the quote, I never did a degree in his works ;)