
Here come the naysayers, never happens to me, I don't speed, your dangerous ....

Why is it if you drive quickly your a menace to society, yet if you mug people you get sent on holiday??

I overtook an off duty policeman once, on a stretch of road that I have driven regularly on for 20 years, on a mile long straight, without breaking the speed limit. He was apoplectic with rage, taking BOTH hands off the wheel to show me his warrant badge (as I was passing) and then followed me with his head under the dash board looking for a piece of paper to right my number down on (his wife was going mental shouting at him to watch the road, it was hillarious)and almost driving off the road several times.

My crime, driving a bright red sports car which, without any effort could pass his people wagon whilst leaving a roundabout.

I believe securespark people are flashing because they are intimidated by your much better car and obvious sexual prowess..... ;)
obvious sexual prowess


are you referring to securespark now ? lol...lol....lol :) :) :) :)

you HAVE seen Charles Hawtrey in those old Carry-On films havent you ..lol
Much better car. Hmm. If I were in the Czech Chariot, maybe.... ;)

But this is a Transit with 1.8 Duratorq engine....and limited to boot!

Sexual prowess - well, I've got 3 kids..... :LOL:


joe-90 said:
securespark said:
I assume you're trying to raise heckles again, joeyboy.

Bad news mate. I ain't rising.

Everything you say points to you being a bad driver. Why do you think you get horns blasting and lights flashing? It's because you keep cutting people up. It has NEVER happened to me.

I ask you again. Have you ever been involved in an accident?

You are worrying me now. I know you're trying to get a rise because you have quoted that and then tried to goad me into abuse by telling me I'm a bad driver.

I'm not a bad driver. But I could be better: everyone has room for improvement, and the ones that tell you they don't need inproving- they're the ones you have to watch out for.

If you call overtaking with plenty of SPACE, looking ahead, with mirror signal manoevre (and remembering to look again in your nearside door mirror upon completing the overtake) cutting somebody up, well, there's got to be something wrong.

You have to hang back to check the lie of the road and make sure of your approach and of course that it is clear for you to overtake. This behaviour is not that of a driver who cuts people up.

I suspect the main reason it has never happened to you is because, by your own admission, you hardly ever overtake.

I also suspect that you are one of those drivers who gets frustrated because for whatever reason you don't overtake other vehicles, but honk your horn & wave your fists at others who overtake you.

I'll make you a deal, but we both know the answers to the other's questions...

You tell me whether you have ever been annoyed or angered by someone who has safely overtaken you and I'll tell you whether I've ever had an accident.
securespark said:
But this is a Transit with 1.8 Duratorq engine....and limited to boot!

Typical white van man.
well, I've got 3 kids

Lil Charley Hawtrey here ...securespark..lol...lol
did you get a man in ? ;)

Oh Dear , lol..lol Your not like the mayority of blokes here that have been forced in to being done/feminized ,

like my old mate Gcol ....lol
says he is in China with work , lol

he is there getting them tubes sown back together ,
Make him a Real man again ...
an trying em out on the Shanghai China Dolls ....
oh yes
work my a*se ..lol..lol... *said in style of Jim Royle * lol
I repeat:

securespark said:
I suspect the main reason it has never happened to you is because, by your own admission, you hardly ever overtake.

I also suspect that you are one of those drivers who gets frustrated because for whatever reason you don't overtake other vehicles, but honk your horn & wave your fists at others who overtake you.

I'll make you a deal, but we both know the answers to the other's questions...

You tell me whether you have ever been annoyed or angered by someone who has safely overtaken you and I'll tell you whether I've ever had an accident.

Further, please tell me in detail WHY you think I'm a bad driver, based on what I wrote.
You are a bad driver because everyone flashes their lights at you and blasts their horns. You are the really dangerous type of driver that actually thinks himself a good driver but is in effect a menace. That is why they all flash their lights at YOU and no-one else.
Moz said:
Oh Dear , lol..lol Your not like the mayority of blokes here that have been forced in to being done/feminized ,

No Moz, my choice. Two kids are enough for me and I'm now safe in the knowledge I can go there with no consequences (my second daughter was a surprise, bless her cotton socks!) ;)
noseall said:
...yeah, and how did you know his van is white :?: :eek:

Because he drives like a prat - that's why they all flash him.

he recently got a hefty fine for driving like an idiot - but of course it wasn't his fault. :rolleyes:
My van is not white!!!

joe-90 said:
he recently got a hefty fine for driving like an idiot - but of course it wasn't his fault. :rolleyes:

Joe. Please stop being abusive. You have already called me a prat and an idiot. Why? Are you upset?

Another minor point. When did I recently get a hefty fine?

Oh, and just one more...I asked you to detail why you thought I was a bad driver based on what I said.

All you could say was that I was a bad driver because "everyone flashes their lights" at me.

You have to do better than that.

Your credibility is tumbling.
I hope you know my drunken posts are in jest .. :)

Two kids ...Well Done ;)

I unfortunately could only manage a beautiful daughter Lucy ,RIP 3 days ..
(at least her mums wih her now ...)

hopefully having another crack at Parenthood, with my partner now ......:) :) :) :)
Moz said:
I hope you know my drunken posts are in jest .. :)

Two kids ...Well Done ;)

I unfortunately could only manage a beautiful daughter Lucy ,RIP 3 days ..
(at least her mums wih her now ...)

hopefully having another crack at Parenthood, with my partner now ......:) :) :) :)

I couldn't begin to imagine what you went through :cry: but good luck with everything you hope to achieve :)
Moz said:
hopefully having another crack at Parenthood, with my partner now ......:) :) :) :)

You stand a better chance if you reduce amount of alcohol around the sperm. pickled sperm don't work very well.

Children need sober caring parents who are there and capable when the child needs them