
Thanks ;)
An Im sure you have wonderful Treasured memories of your kids , :) :)

Im just jealous really ... lol ...sorry didnt mean to cause offesne before :)


I know that drink does this/that ..........
its my hobby ...lol...lol..lol
regarding sperm ....
Im a RamRod ........even after drinking ..lol

(I had sperm frozen .....awhile ago ..) ;)

my worries were how much drink Wens has/does ...

at dinner she can consume a bottle of wine ...or save for that night ..:)

Ill bring it up ...;)
joke aside ...

I think shes got Major Drink prob .....

we need to sort out

Im drinking the house dry .. lol into bottles of wine .....

I got 9 bottles :)
Moz said:
Im a RamRod ........even after drinking ..lol

(I had sperm frozen .....awhile ago ..) ;)
The Pope is looking after my frozen sperm, and says he'll distribute it in those little cups for the Eucharist if anything happens to me, Nice Chap! :)
securespark said:
My van is not white!!!

joe-90 said:
he recently got a hefty fine for driving like an idiot - but of course it wasn't his fault. :rolleyes:

Joe. Please stop being abusive. You have already called me a prat and an idiot. Why? Are you upset?

Another minor point. When did I recently get a hefty fine?

Oh, and just one more...I asked you to detail why you thought I was a bad driver based on what I said.

All you could say was that I was a bad driver because "everyone flashes their lights" at me.

You have to do better than that.

Your credibility is tumbling.

Why do YOU think everyone flashes you but no-one else?
joe-90 said:
Why do YOU think everyone flashes you but no-one else?

Where did you get that idea from?

I see lots of people who flash, not just at me, but at many others too.

Do you think I am the only driver who gets flashed at?

I suppose you're going to tell me you've never seen anyone get flashed in that situation now, huh?
I don't mind getting flashed, especially if she's good looking. :)
securespark said:
joe-90 said:
Why do YOU think everyone flashes you but no-one else?

Where did you get that idea from?

I see lots of people who flash, not just at me, but at many others too.

Do you think I am the only driver who gets flashed at?

I suppose you're going to tell me you've never seen anyone get flashed in that situation now, huh?

Look mate. people don't like the way you drive. That's obvious by their reactions.

When different people who don't know you tell you your driving is rubbish - why don't you take it on board and change the way you drive?
joe. go away.

I flashed someone the other day. tosser in a passat. I was coming round the roundabout, and he entered the roundabout the entry after me at about 40, kept right on going. I followed him off the roundabout flashing. He couldnt have stopped for the roundabout if he tried, and had I been a second earlier . . .
Joe. I'm intrigued now.

What is it about what I have written about my driving (APART from the bit about people who flash me when I overtake them (by no means does this happen all the time, BTW)) that implies it is bad?

I plan my overtaking manoevres, think ahead, use MSM, always drive with lights on to improve my visibility (so that others see me better, like motorcyclists do) and am taking Advanced Driving Tuition.

Are you basing your view of my driving purely on the fact that some people dislike the fact that I have overtaken them? If so, that is ridiculous!

If you want to judge people's driving, how would you classify those drivers who seek to prevent me from overtaking by speeding up? Or is that acceptable in your eyes?
Crafty said:
joe. go away.

I flashed someone the other day. t****r in a passat.

So why do you think they are flashing Securespark?
securespark said:
Joe. I'm intrigued now.

What is it about what I have written about my driving (APART from the bit about people who flash me when I overtake them (by no means does this happen all the time, BTW)) that implies it is bad?

I plan my overtaking manoevres, think ahead, use MSM, always drive with lights on to improve my visibility (so that others see me better, like motorcyclists do) and am taking Advanced Driving Tuition.

Are you basing your view of my driving purely on the fact that some people dislike the fact that I have overtaken them? If so, that is ridiculous!

If you want to judge people's driving, how would you classify those drivers who seek to prevent me from overtaking by speeding up? Or is that acceptable in your eyes?

The people have decided that you are a menace - hence they flash their lights and sound their horn at you.

They are judging you and not liking what they find.

Like it or not - they think you are a menace and are telling you so.
joe people flash at me (sometimes) when i overtake them. the route i drive to work each day has lots of bends but lots of straights also. often (most days) there is someone/ thing (eg a lorry) holding back the traffic, i know my car and the road so i overtake. some people dont like it! you (joe) dont overtake often so dont get flashed, i overtake often so do get flashed.

i was in the car with a work college a while back he was driving particuly slowly and someone overtook him (it was perfectly clear) he turned and said 'there's always one' i didnt retaliate but its the people like him who we are (trying) to talk about here (not the drivers like securespark).

(for the record i have never crashed and have a clean licence, -not that those thing prove i am a good driver, but if i had lot my licence 10 times and written off a number of cars you would have grounds to question my ability)


joe-90 said:
The people have decided that you are a menace - hence they flash their lights and sound their horn at you.

They are judging you and not liking what they find.

Like it or not - they think you are a menace and are telling you so.
that the whole point of what he is tring to say! people judge him and think he is a menace and dont like it, when in reality he is doing nothing wrong!!
So, we've finally got there. Your assessment of my driving is based purely on your assumption that because the occasional driver flashes me when I overtake them, they think I am driving badly.

I see now.