Winter fuel allowance

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If your home is worth £1M, and you have no savings, you are reliant entirely on income - the pension. Over the limit, you will receive very little in the way of financial concessions. The £1M home will also likely need lots of expensive work to be done upon it, just to keep it in an habitable state.
There are always exceptions but I just don't believe that is a common situation.
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I don't really see any relevance between the value of the home, and whether the occupant is living in poverty, or not. What are you suggesting, that pensioners should sell up the home they treasure and have worked hard for all their life, just to be able to stay warm?

Pensions, like wages, should properly reflect the cost of living.

I thought it was usual to "downsize" if your income can't supply what you need?

Loads of folk do it.
I thought it was usual to "downsize" if your income can't supply what you need?
Harry wants poor people to pay the pensioner millionaire's bills because they are skint. But special.
No, the right to buy scheme has been out, since 1980.

Millions have benefitted, not just pensioners, so why pick on them.

Extreme jealousy, bordering on obsession, seems to be the motive. Best ignore the rantings, I do!
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