Winter fuel allowance

I think you know the maths on this really.
I do, but I don't know why some are still arguing that It's the same number of houses for the same number of people. It's completely different tenure types and business models.

Councils were not allowed to build replacement homes for the stock they lost. The properties they were forced to sell were never replaced meaning huge social housing waiting lists. Because of RTB.
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Yours was the jibe, a partisan one that said it’s ok to shaft people in need if they’re too stupid to be able to fill out a form
I get that it is difficult for some but they filled out a form to get their state pension. If they make a phone call then someone on the other end will fill out the form for them.
I suggest that you (respectfully) update your informant.
He would laugh in your face. He's quite a jovial fellow.
I have already explained why your are wrong. Nothing I can do if your understanding is so limited.
No breach of the wording you found is needed for the purposes I gave. If it bothers you so much, work out some ways how that can work for the result you imagine it "must".

Instead of accepting that you don't know all about everything, you think you must know it all. It doesn't fit with the subsection of knowledge you know about. You don't ask how it works , you just say you know better. It doesn't seem to have crossed your mind that details would not be in the public domain, even though, the reasons for that are glaringly obvious. All that would be expected of a forum troll.

The people who write the words are evidently more sophisticated than you have been able work out. The link you discusses certain tasks of detective work being given to banks.. But the HMRC have their own facilities. For example the guy told me they (HMRC) tie undisclosed accounts together. I wasn't surprised at all, but I didn't realise the significance at the time. That would mean that the the discussions you're referring to are irrelevant. The banks don't have to do it. Obvious really, it would leave the banks open to all sorts of legal comebacks, and they could never do it all, because banks don't share account details. The House of Lords obviously didn't spot that.

So the public have that layer of apparent assurance they can be presented with so they don't get upset. They become misdirected, as you are.
I daresay there are other levels of mechanisms going on. I don't need to understand them, because I know the guy and what he is. Simples.
You very definitely aren't anywhere near him in question in terms of knowledge of the laws and things done to deal with them. Or intelligence or imagination, or lack of naivety. That isn't an insult, I'm not either, it' a statement of fact.
Amusng that you think you are, if rather sad.
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I get that it is difficult for some but they filled out a form to get their state pension. If they make a phone call then someone on the other end will fill out the form for them.
The problem is exacerbated by there being no guarantee you’re entitled after filling the form out. I have come across several online government forms which can’t be completed following which it’s a merry go round of trying different numbers, Failing to keep the website updated can’t be an excuse for Kieth unless this is part of his plan for things to get worse before they get better.
I have come across several online government forms which can’t be completed following which it’s a merry go round of trying different numbers,
Then they should call in and someone else will fill it in.
Failing to keep the website updated can’t be an excuse for Kieth unless this is part of his plan for things to get worse before they get better.
The PM is deliberately not updating the pension credit website just to make it difficult for people? There's more hatred for him on here than I thought...
Then they should call in and someone else will fill it in.

The PM is deliberately not updating the pension credit website just to make it difficult for people? There's more hatred for him on here than I thought...
Lots of help available for form filling.

Age concern, citizens advice being just 2 of the most famous.

There's usually family able to help too.

Failing that, any MP should be able to find assistance

There are lots of excuses, but most are just that. Excuses
The problem is exacerbated by there being no guarantee you’re entitled after filling the form out. I have come across several online government forms which can’t be completed following which it’s a merry go round of trying different numbers, Failing to keep the website updated can’t be an excuse for Kieth unless this is part of his plan for things to get worse before they get better.
Yes, absolutely, but is there a sensible alternative, to ultimately leaving the person to sort out the filling in of the form, given all the assistance available. ?
I do, but I don't know why some are still arguing that It's the same number of houses for the same number of people. It's completely different tenure types and business models.

What is so difficult to understand? The houses do not mysteriously disappear, once they are bought under RTB, a family (most likely) will continue to live in them, all that is changed is the ownership, the LR entry, and the need for the council to provide expensive maintenance of the property.

Without doubt, IT IS THE VERY SAME NUMBER OF HOMES - only a first class numpty would claim otherwise.

The houses do not mysteriously disappear
Calm down, have I ever said they disappear?

Mr and Mrs Smith live a council house, the have a low income, but like their house and get on well with their neighbours.
The council decide to compulsorily purchase their home and give it to someone else. They are homeless and, due to their circumstances, are not on a priority housing list. They may get emergency temporary housing some distance away but are told, "don't worry, Harry says the UK still have the same amount of houses as they did before."

My point is, it doesn't help anyone on a long social rent housing list, directly because of RTB, that the number of houses have stayed the same. Don't be like Harry.
My point is, it doesn't help anyone on a long social rent housing list, directly because of RTB, that the number of houses have stayed the same. Don't be like Harry.

Don't be dense, like Denso13. The number of houses, despite your suggestions to the contrary, remain exactly the same, the number of occupiers remain exactly the same - the issue is, wait for it.......................

An increasing population, and not enough homes being built. Please stop blaming RTB for the shortage of homes, it is absolute nonsense.

The number of houses, despite your suggestions to the contrary, remain exactly the same
Yes, Harry, overall they do. Well except for demolitions, but let's say they do. How on earth does that help with the fact that 2m have been lost to the social housing stock directly because of RTB. Not just maybe, but directly.

You are continually banging on about something which isn't relevant. Including, what size cows really are.
How on earth does that help with the fact that 2m have been lost to the social housing stock directly because of RTB.

Because the fact that the size of the housing stock has zero relevance. The fact is those homes would be occupied, not part of the available stock anyway, whether council owned, or privately owned, or RTB homes.

I'll keep going with cows, because you do seem to struggle to grasp the relevance to your self, and your (faulty) argument.

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