Winter fuel allowance

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Actually most public sector pension contributions have increased - the last time a few years ago.

It must be wonderful working in an essential public service

That must be why there are no staff shortages.
So you are happy that the tax payer continues to foot the bill for the public sector pensions?
So you are happy that the tax payer continues to foot the bill for the public sector pensions?

Do please let us know who you think should be paying the wages and pensions of public sector workers.

I await with interest.
Labour MPs cheer when condemning pensioners to a cold death so they can give money to train drivers.

I see your intent on being abusive has not subsided despite being totally wrong on what you asserted.
I guess your embarrassment must be overwhelming. So overwhelming, it's taken over your ability to think. :ROFLMAO:
Each time you post your abusive comments I'll remind the forum of how wrong you are, with the proof.
So the more abusive you are, the greater will be your embarrassment. :ROFLMAO:
I repeat for the umpteenth time: the government has no mandate to make sweeping assessments of people's bank accounts.
They can only request information on a case by case basis and with a good reason.
I have no interest in what you may or may not have been told, nor by whom. :rolleyes:

As far as your, or anyone else's, opinion of me is concerned, you must think I care about your opinions. :rolleyes:
I have as little respect for your opinions as I have for your incorrect information.

I'll present the evidence once again, for your and your 'expert's' advice. :rolleyes:

I will remind you, HE doesn't have to google anything.
He's at a level you and I are completely ignorant about. So "expert", absolutely.
What is "out there" on the present subject is just a small part of the picture. What is published, is suitable to bamboozle the naive like you.
What he can do and does, isn't explained anywhere - unsurprisiingly.
You've cluelessly miss-stated what is published, by the way.
Apart from that you're mis-quoting me, and lying, and creating straw-man arguments. Pointless, futile, as pathetic as that man in the wine bar.

You say you don't care for my opinion but I'm not giving one, only passing on some specific information, about which you know nothing. Yet you insist you do. What you have quoted, doesn't cover it, though you think it does. What you keep ranting on about, is irrelevant, and I've suggested why. Think about it.
Nothing special about me I'm just the messenger, but I can think outside your box.
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Under inflation pay rises which were way overdue. If you want to freeze pay rises then do it for all. Or did you mean the taxpayer hand outs to Mick and Elton, people who obviously don't need £4 a week extra?
Rod hit hard times too, he had to fill his own potholes.
View attachment 355217

Can you see "foreign aid" on that chart?

The reason you can't is that it's so small. You'd need a magnifying glass.

But you can see Pensions, can't you? And Welfare and Healthcare.

Can you guess who needs the most, for the longest?

It's 0.7% of GDP nominally, I believe, around 14bn, about the same as the WFA payments, of which around 85% would be saved by the proposal.
It's wrong to conflate them though.

Unemployment benefit is another one which gets magnified, it's only about 2bn.

I don't remember much fuss when the ‘Pensioner Cost of Living Payment’ was ended. Neither were ever part of the pension.
I DO remember some fuss when the WFA was introduced; a well-off family member was fuming that it was going to all. It should always have been means-tested.
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It's 0.7% of GDP nominally, I believe, around 14bn, about the same as the WFA payments, of which around 85% would be saved by the proposal.
It's wrong to conflate them though.

Unemployment benefit is another one which gets magnified, it's only about 2bn.

I don't remember much fuss when the ‘Pensioner Cost of Living Payment’ was ended. Neither were ever part of the pension.
I DO remember some fuss when the WFA was introduced; a well-off family member was fuming that it was going to all. It should always have been means-tested.
i believe the cost off accommodation for those crossing the channel is part off the Foreign aid budget --in my eyes would be better spent helping people at the sharp end possibly reducing the need to some extent to get to the"final destination" where crossing the channel will be the most danger many will face in there life after the possible horrors they have fled
Do please let us know who you think should be paying the wages and pensions of public sector workers.

I await with interest.

The Public sector employees of these extremely generous schemes need to contribute more per head ..........

As it stands they cost about £7 billion more than the contributions -
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