Winter fuel allowance

Yes, but when people reduce hours, they must realise that reducing their income also means reducing their pension
Which would also happen on a final salary scheme. TBH having read the link I posted I am not at all sure I would want to be in the new schemes,

Your wife of course may not be in it. Likely to depend on when she joined.
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Less than £4 a week? Give your head a shake.
Not 4 quida week though is it . As the heating will be ramped up over a 3 / 4 month period not entire year . Hence why it's called winter allowance
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Paid yearly
well yes and no if you pay annual averaged bills by direct debit its a monthly thing i loose around £5.75 a week[300 a year] so a lump sum is a bad idea as it will just disappear into black hole off debt to pay outstanding bills or perhaps on the kids or grandkids rather than saved for bills
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View attachment 355217

Can you see "foreign aid" on that chart?

The reason you can't is that it's so small. You'd need a magnifying glass.

But you can see Pensions, can't you? And Welfare and Healthcare.

Can you guess who needs the most, for the longest?
Foreign Aid will be in with "Other Spending", surely?
Not 4 quida week though is it . As the heating will be ramped up over a 3 / 4 month period not entire year . Hence why it's called winter allowance
most people pay a monthly direct debit averaged out over the year

so over the last 6 months most people will have overpaid and will start the winter period with a few hundred quid in credit

personally I think the state pension should be at a level high enough so theres no need for extra payments
I think 0.7% but don't have the source to hand.


Looks like that was the target and 0.5% was the Actual (see figure 18)

Unsurprisingly, much of "foreign aid" is spent in this country, for example if we send UK built generators, land-rovers or sewage treatment to a country that needs them. A popular way to subsidise UK industry and call it foreign aid.

In the same way we sent withdrawn-from-service army boots and ballistic helmets to Ukraine and saved ourselves the expense of paying for landfill.
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I don't know if the Rwanda fiasco was counted as foreign aid. The Home Office spent rather a lot.
Actually it's often £200 not £300, £300 if you were born before 23 September 1944
A couple get it split. You’ll be paid into the bank account your benefits are usually paid into.

You could also get:

  • a Cold Weather Payment - if you get certain benefits and the temperature drops to zero degrees Celsius or below for 7 days in a row
  • the Warm Home Discount - this is a £150 discount on your bills if you get Pension Credit or live in a low-income household
  • help from the Household Support Fund, if you’re eligible under your local council’s rules
:) At least they assume pensioners have a bank account. When my mother needed care arranged via Solihull Council they assumed they didn't and it needed paying for. I complained about having to make a cheque out and post it each month. Took them a couple of months to sort it out.

The savings by dropping WFP. More pensioners every year and also long term planning. £1.5b a year, The biggest problem really is pension credits not being sorted out.

It seems saving credits are the pension credit equivalent for those that have a separate pension / income. Another area. Not sure how well that has been sorted. I get the impression that it has not really been maintained properly. Suppose it depends on how much the extra income is - but as the state pension gets nearer the income tax allowance ????
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