Winter fuel allowance

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Very low inflation and very low pay rises also mean pensioners overtake everyone else.
No. Normally it means they get the same. If inflation runs at 10% and it's not made up they suffer. Guess you missed the increase in min pay as well. Others average increase was 5 to 6%.

The other cohort problem is this one
The latest Office for National Statistics figures show NEET rates in the UK remain high at 12.2%, with 872,000 16 to 24-year-olds now out of work, education or training. This is nearly a quarter of a million more young people (228,000) than three years ago when NEET rates were at their lowest at 9.5% -----.24 Aug 2024

Higher in some areas than others.
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So as its not at a level then you think the top ups are necessary
Pensioners have got loads of money, they are just lazy scroungers…..they’ve got huge flat screen TVs, spend all their money on booze and fags and drive to the local food banks in their range rovers.

They should cut down on their Netflix subscriptions and their fancy coffees

It’s all about budgeting
No. Normally it means they get the same.


If inflation is 1% and average pay is 1%, pensioners get 2.5%
Which is more than the rest.

If inflation is 5% and average pay is 4%, pensioners get 5%
Which is more than the rest.

If inflation is 2% and average pay is 5% pensioners get 5%
Which is the same as the rest

In inflation is 0% and average pay is 0%, pensioners get 2.5%
Which is more than the rest.
he thinks 50% of the pensioners are retired multi millionaire pop stars like elton jhn and mick jogger.
He sometimes locks onto a simple view and sticks to it as he did with one of my posts. He failed to consider all pay rises in the general population and concluded this is at the expense of a particular cohort. Fact is all working are supporting it via high levels of general taxation.

Some one says the pension increases are compounded. Well inflation is as well. So let 'em starve / or not allow a reasonable living standard or what? Foodbanks - well some of the employed are using them as well. Some collect for several people not all for them. My wife has been involved in running one. People could question how easy it is to get vouchers. Some question what people need to live reasonably - a general view on those is that they do not have any problems themselves. They often throwing in the olden days.

So WFP has been withdrawn. Something of a claw back. A problem group has been mentioned so they are being encouraged to claim benefits they haven't bothered to claim. Uptake has increased. Some one in an interview mentioned they had a small separate pension coming in so can't claim. Well there is support available for them as well. I do wonder if these people will be ok as recently read that the Tory froze this benefit for several years as they don't need what people who just get a low state pension do. Fact is a probably large proportion of people who do have another pension will be ok, What happens - the state pension is taken of the income tax allowance as mine is. That means it doesn't cover inflation. Mine is index linked - same applies. LOL I'm not moaning just stating things as they currently are. I cope but no one would see my income as high. I will get poorer as pensioners generally do.

The other aspect about this entire area is that a CPI index is used. It doesn't cover actual inflation levels in all areas. Food reached 19.1% in 2023. LOL well nothing is perfect or ever will be.
If inflation is 1% and average pay is 1%, pensioners get 2.5%
Yes I wondered about that but bear in mind attempts to keep it at 2%. Also my comments about CPI that may be the reason - pass. The CPI effect is factual and they do look at things in minute detail. If you fancy some long reads you will find gov pension discussion on the web
JD beat me to it.
There isn't a situation in terms of those three parameters where pensioners do less well, so if they get an advantageous year once in a few, they pull ahead.
The rules:
Under the triple lock system, the state pension increases each April in line with whichever of these three measures is highest:
  • inflation in the September of the previous year, using a measure called the Consumer Prices Index (CPI)
  • the average increase in total wages across the UK for May to June of the previous year
  • or 2.5%

So relative;lly speaking, pensioners are doing OK.
But we have an economy which runs on "selling each other double glazing" so we haven't had enough growth, and we don't have enough money.

There are many horrible imbalances, such as train drivers' pay compared with junior doctors', etc.

Interesting table puts us below Bulgaria and Ukraine:


ahead of the USA though (not shown).
A Belgian friend was alarmed at how low our pension is. Obviously we need to make more chocolate and beer.
Theirs is a complex scheme, earnings dependent , where civil servants do a lot better than the self employed, Contributions of 3% of salary is the norme. Their bare minimum is €1100 ish a month. They also have something means-tested like our Pension Credit scheme.

Our problem is simply that our governments never said whether the WFP was part of the Pension Scheme or not. If not, then it should be time-limited, as was the case with the Cost of Living allowance, or means-tested.
If the State pension isn't enough to live on, then raise it; having an add-on which isn't part of it but everyone gets, doesn't make sense to me.

The "£3" argument above is anile, captious forum trolling of course.
Pensioners have got loads of money, they are just lazy scroungers…..they’ve got huge flat screen TVs, spend all their money on booze and fags and drive to the local food banks in their range rovers.
How did you know I have a Range Rover?
The simple truth is that the people paying into Civil Service pensions need to pay more in ............ and that's the simple truth
Private/Public (not including civil service pensions) pensions are funded differently to state pensions. They are funded by interest and dividends, etc on invested funding.
State pensions are funded from current tax and NI payments from current tax and NI payers.
Pensioners have got loads of money, they are just lazy scroungers…..they’ve got huge flat screen TVs, spend all their money on booze and fags and drive to the local food banks in their range rovers.

They should cut down on their Netflix subscriptions and their fancy coffees

It’s all about budgeting
dont be daft pensioners are too savvy to have a range rover too easy to nick and too expensive to insure
Private/Public pensions are funded differently to state pensions. They are funded by interest and dividends, etc on invested funding.
State pensions are funded from current tax and NI payments from current tax and NI payers.
so does that money for investing in public pensions just appear from thin air or does the tax/ ni payers help fund the 15/20% contributions ?
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