You all need to start smoking

On my 3rd attempt hopefully be last one, using the prescribed Zyban, which works on me every time, but sooner or later I start smoking again because the wife still smokes and so leaves cigarettes lying around and the temptation crosses the threshold and i am back smoking again!

If you have quit twice on zyban, they would call this a 200% success rate.

Fun with statistics.
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I still like a smoke, not because I'm a big nicotine addict, but because I enjoy it. I tend to drift in and out of smoking. Once gave up for 15 years no problem, another time 5 years.

Sometimes I have one a day, sometimes just 2 or 3 a week on the one time I visit the pub. Occasionally I go 2 weeks without one.

I know it doesn't benefit my health, but being a light, erratic smoker lowers the risk. I liken it to drinking. If I had a beer when I woke up, then beer and whiskey all day, then one just before lights out - I ain't going to last long. Same with cigs, 40 or 60 a day = madness. Problem drinkers and social/light drinkers - same with smoking.

Had to switch to rollies though, since all cigs in EU have changed to FSC (Fire Safe Cigarettes), meaning if you leave them without drawing on them, they now go out. Trouble is, to achieve this, they put some nasty glue (EVA) in the cigs. They now taste foul.

There's been very little in the media about FSC, it's been sneaked in. Most smokers don't know. US packets are marked, EU ones aren't.
Docs always say- that when they ask patients how much they smoke-
Double it and add a few more- and that is the norm.
Funny old world. when I were a smoker the story was they added stuff to yer fags to stop them going out. made ciggie companies more money they said as you smoked more.

Now the story is they add muck to them to make sure they do go out.

So what's the real deal?
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Foreigners fags are all smuggelled in by the forty foot load. No revenues for the taxman there I'm afraid.

And they all smoke. Never met one yet that didn't.
Funny old world. when I were a smoker the story was they added stuff to yer fags to stop them going out. made ciggie companies more money they said as you smoked more.

Now the story is they add muck to them to make sure they do go out.

So what's the real deal?

Exactly. You would think that they would just remove the chemicals that keep them alight. But no, they add more, even nastier chemicals.

Thing is, it's made no difference to the number of fires caused by cigarettes.
Thing is, it's made no difference to the number of fires caused by cigarettes.

As a roll up man I can say, confidently, that I've dropped several of the smoke known as "Golden Virginia" in my life time.

Not once have I set fire to a house/nightclub/missuses kecks.

Without a doubt the nicotine is the addictive bit. But manufactured tabs contain saltpetre (sp?) to make them burn quicker, so you smoke more. They also contain arsenic that helps the nicotine rush hit your brain faster and "cleaner" to encourage you to re-spark as soon as you have doused your last one.

Don't get me wrong.

Wished I'd never started smoking. But due to many things I won't go into, a tab is a stress relieving boost to those who smoke.

On the brighter side. Smokers pay extra tax (on the baccy) higher insurance etc. Die young. Keep all the non smokers pensions going!!
But manufactured tabs contain saltpetre (sp?) to make them burn quicker, so you smoke more.

Yes that's what I heard. I remember watching marlboros burn and they had little fizzy bits as something in there caught light, and they burned with a strange green light under some conditions. B&H seemed to be different.

Clearly the nasty stuff in there is the nicotine and the multitude of carcinogens, but they also add muck to maintain some sort of manufacturing consistency. Quality control at its finest.
I started again last year after a break of twenty years. It took a lot of will power but I got there in the end.
Reminds me of a man I met recently who did just the same after not smoking for some 20 years. When I asked him how long were you a non-smoker for, before he told me he replied “I wasn’t a non-smoker; I was an ex smoker. Once you have been a smoker you can only ever be an ex smoker”

You always have the potential to go back to your habit whereas a true non smoker, like me, has never smoked and would never be interested. Important difference and one I hadn’t considered.

I’m still not sure what box to tick when I’m asked if I’m single or divorced. I have been single for about 28 years, after my divorce. So is being single a label like your virginity which, once lost, you can never get back and have to carry for the rest your life?

I guess so...

Divorced Tone :(
As a roll up man I can say, confidently, that I've dropped several of the smoke known as "Golden Virginia" in my life time.

Not once have I set fire to a house/nightclub/missuses kecks.

It's probably Golden Virginia's fault that I still enjoy the odd rollie. I was on the verge of giving up when the FSC came in, as proper cigs started tasting sour.

I never liked rolling tobacco before. Too harsh - memories of trying Old Holborn (no filters then) in my youth. Way too strong.

Then GV went and introduced the smooth variety. It seems quite smokable and acceptable to a smoker of tailor mades.

If I start dropping them down 'Er Indoors kecks, will be giving up very soon though! :eek:
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