Your commute.

i get up at 7am... go and make a noise and try and wake up three young kids.. (varying responses) like a sheep dog i try to get them down stairs... might have to change sheets after a bedwetting incident.. start my porridge and then ask what the three boys want... and they always want different things.... one wants weetabix, one bran flakes, one porridge... next morning, one want porridge, another wants toast... etc etc.. sit down with my porridge.. dad, can i have some pop?,, get pop... eldest one... dad can i have a cup of tea? yes... finish breakfast... mopping up cereal and crumbs.. get them to have a wash... Mrs Martian takes over here.... finish my porridge... might have to go and help getting one dressed... then morning work.....moans etc ... my shower... and then clean their teeth... moans... bickering, spilling things... lost school books.... no socks... forgot to do my homework... dad can i have a fiver for 'street dance' classes... get in the car we're late.... set off on the commute.... dad i forgot my sandwiches... go back to get them... get to school 4 minutes away.... resume sheepdog technique to get them to class, then drive the other half mile to wo

well done what other medal do you want...

That's twice now you've made derisory or sarcastic comments on my posts. In both instances my posts were light hearted.. yet you chose to comment in order to, seemingly, run me down.... what's your problem?

light hearted i think not... and as of running you down... how can i when i dont even know you...
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I dont understand the compulsion of people to bare there life to half a planet full of strangers.

Its what used to be called 'washing your dirty linen in public'.

Apart from that, the more you publish about yourself online, the more you leave yourself wide open to various crimes, from burglary to ID theft. I live off the grid as much as i can.

and then have a simple nazi flashing flag...

how sad....
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I dont understand the compulsion of people to bare there life to half a planet full of strangers.

Its what used to be called 'washing your dirty linen in public'.

Apart from that, the more you publish about yourself online, the more you leave yourself wide open to various crimes, from burglary to ID theft. I live off the grid as much as i can.

and then have a simple nazi flashing flag...

how sad....

Another incomprehensible non-sequitar from our friendly neighborhood illiterate.

Does anybody understand any of geraints posts, or is there some sort of translation guide available ?
Another incomprehensible non-sequitar from our friendly neighborhood illiterate.

so how do you spell neighbour... or am i being a northerner... i.e. foggy...
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Back to the commute... last night...... jump on my scooter at 20 40 for 6 mile ride to train station then 55 min train journey then 30 min walk to work. now off home ( 06 40 ) all being well home at 08 20 only 5 years to go good night :D