Zion and the Art of Armageddon

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A talking head on The Context last night said the public were still totally behind Netanyahu's quest for vengeance in Gaza but a recent poll found that 60% thought it was now impossible. A big difference from the 70% in favour in October last year. They try to show a united front but the cracks are clearly visible if you know where to look. Israel may see itself as a democracy, but if all the territory controlled by Israel is taken into account, it is the non-Jewish population of that “greater Israel” that now has a small overall majority.

Under the Dahiya Doctrine, protracted and widespread force is used against the general civilian population in order to achieve two specific aims: the first is short term – to undermine the support for an insurgency, with the aim in Gaza being to make it increasingly difficult for Hamas to operate. The second is long term – to act as a deterrent to future paramilitary movements of any kind, whether in Gaza, the occupied West Bank or southern Lebanon. How much longer Israel can avoid International judgement on this State policy is getting much closer scrutiny due to its actions over the past nine months.
... if all the territory controlled by Israel is taken into account, it is the non-Jewish population of that “greater Israel” that now has a small overall majority.

That's why Israel cannot accept a "one state" resolution. It cannot agree to give citizenship rights to Arabs because it is a racist state.
committing genocide
The ICC judgement doesn't make any if much use of collateral damage. It's more concerned with the occupied territory rules and apartheid. Also add wanton destruction of infrastructure, deaths of civilians who are associated with running a state and actions that can be seen as punishment. And aid of course.

The comment about the ICC not having jurisdiction seems to have stopped. They do have as earlier rulings decided that Palestine is a state. That can be done on the basis that it's occupied IMHO but anyway that is what was decided.

One odd factor about how this is presented is that responsibility lies with the occupier not NGO's or UN functions. Have your war fine but look after the people and don't do a number of things Israel are, There is little doubt about that.

May as well add the incredible number of security council hearings. This is where the system is broken.

Also what some of the warriors think. Fighting doesn't get rid of an idea. Negotiations have far more chance. Talks breaking down. Each side has a red line and there isn't a solution to that. What were the PLO - terrorists. The agreement was broken by Israel. Effectively no 2 seperate states. Along comes a fuel crisis as the Arab League were unhappy.
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The famous one? She was used to this sort of situation and moved next to a wall. Looking at that it was hit by a number of shots around where she was. Bullet - a US special intended to penetrate bullet proof vests. The one in her head was the type Israel use.

There is a shrine to her in the west bank. IDF have photo's taken standing next to it. Big grin.

Israel's policy of assassinating journalists.
That's why Israel cannot accept a "one state" resolution. It cannot agree to give citizenship rights to Arabs because it is a racist state.

1.5 million Arabs have full citizenship rights. The 'one state' solution desired by the Arabs calls for the destruction of Israel.
1.5 million Arabs have full citizenship rights. The 'one state' solution desired by the Arabs calls for the destruction of Israel.
So johnD is in favour of the above.

That doesn’t sound pro Israel, it sounds more like……..
There is nothing in my words to suggest that. You are just throwing your fantasies around.
1.5 million Arabs have full citizenship rights. The 'one state' solution desired by the Arabs calls for the destruction of Israel.
That's why Israel cannot accept a "one state" resolution. It cannot agree to give citizenship rights to Arabs because it is a racist state.

I think you’re confused today.
you mean its not pro state of Israel
I meant what I said.

I’ve decided today after Bod’s sad departure not to waste my time with a lair like yourself. I wish you no harm, but I’ll have to move along.
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