Zion and the Art of Armageddon

If they can get Yahya Sinwar that would be decisive
Israel have been negotiating the release of all hostages in exchange for his freedom

Problem is IDF haven’t found him yet

It’s likely IDF would have to kill all hostages to get to him

Would killing him end Hamas?
I don’t know
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Personally I can’t see an end until the link between Hamas and Iran and Russia is broken.
They won’t all the time Hamas are used by proxies.

Israel might kill most of the current crop of Hanas fighters, but the leaders and the funding doesn’t come from Gaza or West Bank.
HAMAS is a pretty rich organisation. They got that way via a well managed share portfolio that is very diverse. They started as a charity - cooked food in the refugee camps.

Qatar send a suitcase of money to Gaza on a monthly basis. Israel unhappy as they say they don't know where it goes. It's used to pay Gaza civic services people. HAMAS run the country. As this is Qatar I'd be inclined to think this use is correct.

The rocket attack wiki page is an interesting read if someone has the time
You'll note that HAMAS isn't the only group around and also at one point HAMAS trying to do something about the others. Also note that some hostages were taken by Gaza citizens not by any of the militant groups. This section shows why Israel's attack is far more extreme this time

In the cycle of violence, rocket attacks alternate with Israeli military actions. From the outbreak of the Second Intifada (30 September 2000) through March 2013, 8,749 rockets and 5,047 mortar shells were fired on Israel,[34] while Israel has conducted several military operations in the Gaza Strip, among them Operation Rainbow (2004), Operation Days of Penitence (2004), Operation Summer Rains (2006), Operation Autumn Clouds (2006), Operation Hot Winter (2008), Operation Cast Lead (2009), Operation Pillar of Defense (2012), Operation Protective Edge (2014), Operation Guardian of the Walls (2021) and Operation Swords of Iron(2023).

It's interesting that the names get more defence orientated for a while. For me anyway but now we have where's daddy attacks. Get him and the kids when all are in bed, We also have that all UNRWA are now terrorists. Be interesting to know how many remain alive when and if there is an end.
Egypt have refused to allow the IDF access to the border crossing at Rafah as part of any peace deal, which looks increasingly unlikely; putting the kibosh on Israeli intentions to occupy Gaza after they're done tanking the area, while Haaretz reports the Israeli army has launched a criminal investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of 48 Palestinians from Gaza, most of whom were in Israeli custody. The vast majority of the Palestinians died in or en route to Israeli detention centres, ('shot while trying to ecape') while seven died in Gaza.

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Personally I can’t see an end until the link between Hamas and Iran and Russia is broken.
The Russian link is tenuous as far as Gaza is concerned but according to reports Iran has managed to smuggle weapons in but there are also illegal arms dealers around. Also Arabs are Arabs. This can figure in respect to any of their countries. The Arab League appear to all want the same thing. 67 boarders and a proper Palestinian state. Some rich individuals may have their own ideas on achieving that.

Wipe out Israel. I don't think any of the major powers involved at the Arab end see that as a viable option any more. I'll include Iran in that also HAMAS. Sure just like the Tory they will have their extremists but in general terms I reckon I am correct.
Israeli army has launched a criminal investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of 48 Palestinians from Gaza, most of whom were in Israeli custody
Nice bit of side tacking to divert the media for a while. Most are just taken into custody with no charge at all.
A 6year old shot in the throat and treated in an Israeli hospital, charged $13,000, later accused of stone / pipe bomb throwing. The $13,000 is taken out of Palestinian tax which of coarse they aren't handing over any more. The stop was announced a while ago. Changed ??? He's lucky they missed his head. Some were not so lucky. Stray shots?? Something they should be thinking about.
Palestinian journalists say that Israel is trying to kill the messenger, while a new report by the Palestinian Prisoners Society says that Israeli forces are also arresting journalists to silence the story.

Still, they cannot kill the message.

No Justice. No Peace.
Just one sad tale of the slaughter and indiscriminate Israeli action going on...


"It was a moment of horror from Gaza which went viral - a video of an amputation on a dining table. No anaesthetic. No bandages. Just a bucket, some soap and a kitchen knife"

If Israel thinks it can defeat Hamas, it can't...

Because 'intifada' will always be there until there is a peaceful two state solution...

You can't defeat the desire for a legitimate country of your own, and as long as the injustice continues so will the violence and the suffering on both sides!
There is going to be a security council vote on the "current" peace deal. It seems HAMAS has come back with some changes and the US as always say these can be bridged. No details on what these are but not hard to guess.

I wonder how the security council vote will go and which side is intended to be put under more pressure.

Benjamin etc still the same noises. Attacks more selective in it seems "safe zone" but still killing people nearby. Not much around about further attacks in the camps.
Would a ceasefire prevent Hezbollah igniting a war in Northern Israel? They warn an expansion of the war on southern Lebanon will be “met with devastation, destruction and displacement in Israel”, adding “we are ready for it”.
Continuing with his press conference in Beirut, Hamas official Osama Hamdan responded to the three-stage ceasefire plan put forward by US President Biden. He called into question Israel’s commitment to the deal, saying its government has yet to relay a clear position on several key points, namely a “permanent ceasefire and full withdrawal from Gaza”.

Another four hostages are now known to be dead, and i don't think any of them are going to get out alive at this rate while the IDF blast their way through Gaza. Since Palestinians are starving i can't imagine there's much left to go round among the survivors.
The Jerusalem Day parade by thousands of Jewish nationalists celebrates Israel’s capture and occupation of East Jerusalem and its holy sites in the 1967 war, a move that is not internationally recognised and residents are bracing for a rightwing flag march through Muslim areas of the Old City, an annual event often accompanied by violence: @the Guardian

Israel’s far-right national security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, who is in charge of the police, said last week he would be participating and encouraged supporters to join. Last month Ben-Gvir made his first visit to the Temple Mount since 7 October. His Jewish Power party has long advocated for Jewish sovereignty over the site.

I'm sure this latest move will smooth those talks over a ceasefire...although support in Israel for the campaign is waning. The Jerusalem Post speak of compassion fatigue while on the fringes of Gaza, reservists tell American journalists of the toll the relentless violence has taken.

Parnes, spokesperson for the Israeli NGO B’Tselem, which documents human rights abuses in Palestine, spoke about a consistent ache in Israeli society over the absence of the captives taken to Gaza on October 7, the economic cost of the war and the toll on reservists who have interrupted their jobs or studies several times to wage war on a besieged enclave that is mostly rubble now. The total military and civilian costs of the war to Israel is projected to be 253 billion shekels ($67bn) between the years 2023 and 2025, Bank of Israel Governor Amir Yaron warned at a conference at the end of May.

This week, tens of thousands of people pressed into Democracy Square and other locations around the country to demand the release of the captives and the dismissal of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. But the request by the current prosecutor of the ICC for arrest warrants for Netanyahu and his defence minister, Yoav Gallant, have been dismissed by most Israeli politicians and media as “new anti-Semitism”, according to Parnes. More recent initiatives, such as a peace plan announced by United States President Joe Biden after Parnes was interviewed – framed as an Israeli proposal – have also served to divide and undermine public enthusiasm for a war that appears to many to have no end.

“The government of Israel is leading its country to commit crimes of magnitudes that are difficult to [comprehend] and even continues to abandon its hostages,” Parnes said. Netanyahu is also suspected by many analysts of extending the war for his own personal ends, namely to stay in office as he is on trial on corruption charges. “All Netanyahu needs to do,” Lurie-Pardes said, “is to maintain his coalition for the next two months of the Knesset summer session. If he manages to do so, we’re not really looking at elections before March 2025 because of the different requirements of election laws in Israel.”

Al Jazeera
An interview with a US spokesperson shed a bit more light on the deal. Afraid his name hasn't stuck in my brain yet. He pops up now and again. ;) I've often heard Blinken mentioned so not him.

Several have said that the only thing definitely agreed is phase one. From this blokes comments phase 2 ceasefire continues providing talks continue. If those break down it ends. It's easy to see why Israel might accept this as it could allow them to just carry on however they like. What may concern them now is international expectations of a permanent one. Those are unlikely to include the US and UK etc. I say that as the US are pushing a plan that HAMAS wont agree with and they know it. Meanwhile Israel is getting on with it's 2nd phase that they reckoned would take 12months. Selective strikes where ever they like. Death counts lower - eg 75 in the past 24hrs. Strikes always seem to be in the camps.
Wafa news agency reports that nearly 800 far-right Israelis have stormed the mosque’s grounds, under the protection of Israeli police, ahead of the provocative “Flag March” taking place today in occupied Jerusalem. Sources told Wafa that sources said that one of the groups that entered the compound was accompanied by former lawmaker Moshe Feiglin.

The Zionists are sending in the Stoßtruppen.
This seems quite a big move from Biden

From the transcript of the talk
Not at all. Some in Israel have suggested that Netanyahu is prolonging the war for his own political self-preservation. Do you believe that?

Biden: I'm not going to comment on that. There is every reason for people to draw that conclusion. And I would cite tha as—before the war began, the blowback he was getting from the Israeli military for wanting to change the constitu—change the court. And so it's an internal domestic debate that seems to have no consequence. And whether he would change his position or not, it's hard to say, but it has not been helpful.

LOL Now what does that mean?
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