Zion and the Art of Armageddon

LOL The pundits are having their fun with Starmer calling for a ceasefire. I'd say it's more of a case of him delaying to avoid making himself a target.

Starmer's married to a nice Jewish girl, 'immediate ceasefire' = 'cook your own dinner'.
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"Where are your Jews?" he asks?
In Israel, i imagine, since the Zionists called them all home to the Holy Land and began their regime to bring about the Kingdom of God.
Ronnie Raygun would tell Netanyahoo to 'tear down this wall', but nobody in America dares to oppose the Jewish narrative these days.

World condemns US’s latest UN Security Council veto on Gaza ceasefire​

The vote in the 15-member council was 13-1, with the United Kingdom abstaining, reflecting the strong support from countries around the globe for ending the devastating conflict that has killed more than 29,000 Palestinians.

Allahu Akhbar@Al Jazeera.com
I wonder if Algeria has streets that Arabs are allowed to drive or walk down, but Jews are not?

Do Algerian police provide armed support to Arabs who attack and steal Jewish homes?

Does Algeria build concrete walls to isolate Jewish villages and separate Jewish farmers from their land?

Does the Algerian army seize solar panels from Jewish houses?

Does Algeria operate roadblocks with armed guards to prevent chocolate, wedding dresses or coriander being delivered to Jews?

In the same way that Israel operates its Apartheid policy.

@fillyboy is a racist with no shame.
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I detected a drama queen in the video. I've heard a similar approach in other certain interviews on our TV's.

The wall gets a mention as a judgement said take it down. Things have moved on to point out that settlements are permanent. It and various other aspects are directly in conflict with international law.

The US. They always have their own aims. We don't know what they are and probably never will. One possible problem is that in order to force things into the usual direction used in these circumstances they would have to apply pressure to Israel to get them to comply, A lot of Israeli would not be happy with the eventual outcome.
The wall gets a mention as a judgement said take it down. Things have moved on to point out that settlements are permanent. It and various other aspects are directly in conflict with international law.

The US. They always have their own aims. We don't know what they are and probably never will ..
The ICJ told the Zionists to tear down the wall in 2004 - do we have to send Roger Waters over there to perform a reminder to them?

Evangelical Christians want to bring about the Second Coming - the Ultra-Orthodox Jews want to rebuild the Temple and return to the Kingdom of God.
In the same way that Israel operates its Apartheid policy.

1.5 million Arabs living in Israel (Not Gaza & West Bank) who have equal rights to Israelis, they include Doctors and lawyers, they have the right to vote and even to stand for election in the Knesset. Only 10 Arab lawmakers in the Knesset at the moment, it has been as high as 20. There are also Druze, Arabs and Bedouins serving in the IDF.

Apartheid???, **** off.
The reference to Israel on the Merneptah is a bit ambiguous.
There are 3 lines which are interpretated as referring to Israel as a foreign people in Cannan and not a state.
This interpretation would be in line with the bible which says the Jewish people were not indigenous to the region.
According to The Oxford History of the Biblical World, this "foreign people ... sign is typically used by the Egyptians to signify nomadic groups or peoples, without a fixed city-state home, thus implying a seminomadic or rural status for 'Israel' at that time"...According to James Hoffmeier, "no Egyptologists would ever read the signs of a foreign ethnic entity as indicating a foreign land, but a people group". In contrast to this apparent Israelite statelessness, the other Canaanite groups fought by Egypt: Asqaluni, *Gezer, and Yano'am, are described in the stele as nascent states.

*The first settlement established at Tel Gezer dates to the end of the 4th millennium BCE during the Chalcolithic period, when large caves cut into the rock were used as dwellings. Gezer became a major fortified Canaanite city-state in the first half of the 2nd millennium BCE...Tel Gezer was the site of the Palestinian village of Abu Shusheh, the residents of which were expelled by Israeli forces during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.
1.5 million Arabs living in Israel (Not Gaza & West Bank) who have equal rights to Israelis, they include Doctors and lawyers, they have the right to vote and even to stand for election in the Knesset. Only 10 Arab lawmakers in the Knesset at the moment, it has been as high as 20. There are also Druze, Arabs and Bedouins serving in the IDF.

Apartheid???, **** off.

Arab's not the population of the Strip and West Bank. Many of which are stateless. In fact is some ways all are. Difficult to see how they can be anything else. Seems 150 countries recognise Palestine as state and others don't.
Apartheid???, **** off.

I wonder if Algeria has streets that Arabs are allowed to drive or walk down, but Jews are not?

Do Algerian police provide armed support to Arabs who attack and steal Jewish homes?

Does Algeria build concrete walls to isolate Jewish villages and separate Jewish farmers from their land?

Does the Algerian army seize solar panels from Jewish houses?

Does Algeria operate roadblocks with armed guards to prevent chocolate, wedding dresses or coriander being delivered to Jews?

In the same way that Israel operates its Apartheid policy.

@fillyboy is a racist with no shame.
There has been a report that Israel bombed a mosque in Rafar complete with pictures. It's now "flat". Also 3 Palastinian gun men from E Jerusalem - I assume. All shot. No clear info about any people they shot.

Interesting report on the 2 rescued hostages. Part looked like a movie set - generals watching screens. 70 killed and a number injured. One women reported getting herself over her children to project them and finding body bits including someone's leg after the attack. A rather young girl who lost an eye, also a traumatised kid etc. Drone strikes had been used but not sure how many. 1 for certain. No indication of the rescuers as per movies - circle drawn around them.

One thing that struck me was the degree of devastation in the area. Yet the hostages were still alive. The drone shot looked to be fairly localised not a bigy. Info on hostages killed by attacks has dried up but some have been.

Daily Palastinian deaths are still high but in some instances they can only be estimates on how many are under the rubble especially in the north. These attacks are still spread about the Strip.
,” CUFI, whose founder believes the presence of Jews in Israel is a precursor to Jesus Christ returning to Earth, wrote
Don't they also believe that the Jews will have to convert to Christianity or be damned for eternity.
I wonder if Algeria has streets that Arabs are allowed to drive or walk down, but Jews are not?

If there were any jews left in Algeria, probably not.

Meanwhile, 1.5 million Arabs hold Israeli citizenship, they work, they vote and they are elected to positions in the Knesset.

Name me one Arab country that affords the same rights to Jews. Just one will do John. One.
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