Zion and the Art of Armageddon

Poor fillyboy is bursting with racial hatred.

He wants to say that Israel's racism, apartheid and genocide is good.

So he searches around in the wastebin of his mind to find excuses to justify his belief.

He's been trying "Some Arabs are bad, therefore all Arabs are bad. Palestians are arabs, therefore all Palestinians are bad, therefore all Palestinians should be exterminated" thought process. This argument is popular in the Knesset, but it convinces nobody who is not already filled with racist hate.

Like filly.

His other argument is "because a god said so"

Which convinces nobody except those already filled with racist hatred

Like filly.
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It seems Benjamin has released his plan for when the war is over. Seems it's a collection of things that have been previously said and was IT SEEMS presented at the UN general assembly. I have had no luck finding it but did find a couple of newspaper articles that vaguely relate

No mention of the US in this one unless I missed it

It seems Benjamin has released his plan for when the war is over. Seems it's a collection of things that have been previously said and was IT SEEMS presented at the UN general assembly. I have had no luck finding it but did find a couple of newspaper articles that vaguely relate

No mention of the US in this one unless I missed it

Netanyahu rushed out a one page proposal last night, fairly scant on detail. Wouldn't take too much notice of that one, the US/Arab countries one will have more depth when eventually agreed.
The Palestinian Authority has sharply criticised a “day after” plan for Gaza presented by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, calling it “destined to fail”.

“If the world wants security and stability in the region, it must end the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and recognise the independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital,Nabil Abu Rudeineh, the spokesperson for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, was quoted as saying on Friday by the Palestinian state news agency Wafa.

According to the document, presented to members of Israel’s security cabinet on Thursday, Israel would maintain security and military control over all land west of Jordan, including the occupied West Bank and Gaza – territories where the Palestinians want to create their independent state.

Al Jazeera.com

Safe to say neither side are seeing eye to eye at the moment.
Too busy taking an eye for an eye, it seems.

I don't think the Israeli ultimatum will bring about a ceasefire either. Hamas is prepared for a fight to the death and ready to create as many martyrs as it takes to get a Palestinian state.
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I don't think the Israeli ultimatum will bring about a ceasefire either. Hamas is prepared for a fight to the death and ready to create as many martyrs as it takes to get a Palestinian state.

And Iran is prepared to fund Hamas to the death.

“If the world wants security and stability in the region, it must end the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and recognise the independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital,Nabil Abu Rudeineh, the spokesperson for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, was quoted as saying on Friday by the Palestinian state news agency Wafa.

I go along with removing settlements from the west bank, it's the right thing to do. Somehow Jerusalem needs to be the capital for both sides, not sure how it would work, east and west Jerusalem with the 'old city' belonging to all, and of course the recognition of Palestine as an independent state.

Will it bring peace and stability to the region?, I doubt it.
Will it bring peace and stability to the region?, I doubt it.
I think a correct solution would end it. Otherwise look forwards to another oil crisis and this time it wont take 4 or so years for it to happen.

Forgot - I have doubts about the end result as well - too many self interested players/
. Somehow Jerusalem needs to be the capital for both sides, not sure how it would work, east and west

How about one state, where both sides live together in harmony?

In the main, we live side - by-side with all sorts in this country, so it can work.

It's the drawing of arbitrary lines that creates division where there was none, then the very presence of that border reinforces the new division.
How about one state, where both sides live together in harmony?

Israel won't accept a State where the large numbers of Palestinians have significant democratic power.

Not in Israel


Not in Palestine.
How about one state, where both sides live together in harmony?

In the main, we live side - by-side with all sorts in this country, so it can work.

It's the drawing of arbitrary lines that creates division where there was none, then the very presence of that border reinforces the new division.

As I've pointed out before, there are 1.5 million Arabs living in Israel (I'm not including West Bank and Gaza), those Arabs consist of Druze, Bedouins and Palestinian descent, most have taken Israeli citizenship and are entitled to vote (some chose not to), they are entitled to stand for parliament (there are currently 10 arabs in the Knesset, it has been as high as 20, many arabs are doctors, lawyers, etc etc. So yes, both sides can live in harmony, and do, I'm not saying these factions don't face certain challenges, of course they do, much like some ethnicities might face face 'challenges' living in the UK, despite the fact they're as British as you and me, or nosy and tranny.

The Palestinians want, and are entitled to their own state. If they can recognize Israel's equal entitlement, it could work.

This could all have been settled amicably by the UN in 1948. Instead, half the arab world invaded the newly formed israel, and they haven't stopped invading since.

As an aside, Israel signed a peace agreement with Egypt in 1979, a peace agreement with Jordan in 1994 and have 'normalised relations' with several arab countries since then, they were close to signing a similar agreement with Saudi prior to Oct 7th.
The Palestinians want, and are entitled to their own state. If they can recognize Israel's equal entitlement, it could work.

Can Israel ever recognise Palestine's equal entitlement?
invaded the newly formed israel, and they haven't stopped invading since.

Before which, Israel invaded the newly defined Palestine, expelled and murdered Palestinians, and they haven't stopped invading since


For example, the Deir Yassin massacre took place on April 9, 1948
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Can Israel ever recognise Palestine's equal entitlement?

They did in 1947 when UN resolution 181 was offered, Palestine and other arab countries declined the kind offer and chose to go to war instead.
Before which, Israel invaded the newly defined Palestine, expelled and murdered Palestinians, and they haven't stopped invading since

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For example, the Deir Yassin massacre took place on April 9, 1948

Wrong, 24 hours after declaring statehood on the back of UN resolution 181, the newly formed Israel was invaded by Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and Iraq.
They did in 1947 when UN resolution 181 was offered, Palestine and other arab countries declined the kind offer and chose to go to war instead.

As ai mentioned, this was after Israel had attacked and slaughtered Palestinians.

Their racist desire for genocide was as strong then, as it is in you now.
I go along with removing settlements from the west bank, it's the right thing to do. Somehow Jerusalem needs to be the capital for both sides, not sure how it would work, east and west Jerusalem with the 'old city' belonging to all, and of course the recognition of Palestine as an independent state.

Referring to an old thread posted way back at the beginning of November last, the idea of partition along the 32nd parallel, as in Korea, would be close to the ancient border between the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah


I think the 1947 partition plan had Jerusalem as an open city, free from any political control. This is unlikely to persuade either side to peace talks as they're both intent upon a land "from the river to the sea".

Israel’s ambassador to the UK, Tzipi Hotovely, has been among the promoters of international recognition of the Jewish historic claim to lands from the river to the sea. The expansion of settlements in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem by successive Israeli governments is seen as an attempt by Israel to control the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, denying Palestinians’ aspiration for an independent state. Mirsky, of Brandeis University, said that while Israeli public figures were using the biblical concept to claim political authority over all disputed territories, the issue was “hotly debated” within modern Israel. Zionist hegemony in Israel - The doctrine is fully explained in the Likud Manifesto@the Jewish virtual library.com
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