Zion and the Art of Armageddon

Name me one Arab country that affords the same rights to Jews. Just one will do John. One.

Name me one Arab country that builds 40 foot concrete walls round Jewish villages to isolate them

And has roads that Arabs are allowed to walk or drive down but Jews are not
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You seem to love avoiding what the issue really is.

On the contrary, I'm one of a small number of people on here who can grasp the reality of what's going on.

John, there will be a ceasefire before long. Israel will honour the terms of the ceasefire, the arabs won't, let's return to the debate after the arabs yet again resume hostilities.
Name me one Arab country that builds 40 foot concrete walls round Jewish villages to isolate them

They don't need to, they're not under constant threat from the jews, it's the other way round.
And has roads that Arabs are allowed to walk or drive down but Jews are not

There are no jews left to walk down the roads, those countries have driven them out.
Can you name an Arab country that put Jews into a ghetto surrounded by high concrete walls, with barbed wire, machine guns and armed guards, and prevents them from from importing Coriander?

One that bombs their homes, schools, hospitals, museums and bulldozes their cemeteries?

One whose army shoots unarmed Jewish children and grandmothers in the street?
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Yahweh worship also has its roots in an ancient religion of Canaan, the land which God promised to Abraham. Within this polytheistic religion, Yahweh was but one of many deities united under a figure known as El. In the northwestern Semitic language spoken in Canaan, “El” had multiple meanings: It was the word for “god,” the name of a specific god, and the title of a god who stood removed from other, lesser gods. These lesser gods included Yahweh, Asherah (El’s consort as well as the religion’s chief mother goddess), and Baal, whose worshippers went on to challenge Yahweh’s supremacy in Israel. Yahweh and Baal were merely two of El’s 70 children. According to the mythology, each child of El was given a region to look after. Baal ruled over Canaan while Yahweh, fatefully, was assigned the land of Israel.

When nation-states first emerged in the Levant during the late Iron Age, El’s vassals were promoted in their respective mythological hierarchies. Chemosh came to occupy an important role in the kingdom of Moab, because Moab had originally been assigned to him by El. The same thing happened to Milcom and Quas, who were gods of the Ammonites and Edomites, respectively. Yahweh, as mentioned, became the chief god of Israel.

Yahweh’s supremacy in Israel did not go uncontested. When the Israeli king Ahab married the Lebanese princess Jezebel in the 8th century BCE, Yahwist priests were fiercely persecuted while Yahweh himself was replaced by Baal and Asherah. Ultimately, however, faith in Yahweh proved too entrenched to erase: Ahab’s dynasty was deposed and Jezebel died by defenestration...

Let there be God@the Big Think

I'll leave the Story of Amun-Ra for another day.

But it's all ancient history, you think - not to people living in Palestine:

The Palestinians understand how settlers can co-opt the sacred to expand their presence in the city: one day, I set off with a Palestinian guide to find a well, mentioned in the Bible, where Abraham was supposed to have watched Sarah bathing. We couldn’t find it, and it transpired that the man who owned the house behind it had built a garage over it. He wanted somewhere to park his car, but that wasn’t the only motive: he was concerned that the settlers would add the well to the list of places to which they had visiting rights, and he wanted to pre-empt the possibility of them turning up at his front door.

The God of the Old [email protected]
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On the contrary, I'm one of a small number of people on here who can grasp the reality of what's going on.

John, there will be a ceasefire before long. Israel will honour the terms of the ceasefire, the arabs won't, let's return to the debate after the arabs yet again resume hostilities.
lol - will those terms include a halt to illegal settlements on the West Bank?
lol - will those terms include a halt to illegal settlements on the West Bank?
This is the thing about the conflict, one side is oppressed and won’t give up act of terrorism and the other side won’t give up being oppressors.

For every argument supporting one side there’s a valid counter argument.
This is the thing about the conflict, one side is oppressed and won’t give up act of terrorism and the other side won’t give up being oppressors.

For every argument supporting one side there’s a valid counter argument.
tell me about it...
its a conflict kept alive by geo politics

the poor citizens of Palestine and Israel will carry on suffering
For every argument supporting one side there’s a valid counter argument.
That's why I try to take an agnostic approach and look for more information. The basic question really is are these people oppressed or not and if so why. It's no good saying because they have terrorists amongst them as oppression will generally result in that and always has. That just leaves factors about the oppression, all forms of it. Using security as an excuse doesn't solve anything, What ever will just carry on.

Then behind this is the promised and and it's our land. Not an unusual problem as far as land disputes go.

I too think there will be a ceasefire but wonder when also what form the solution to peace will finally be. Like many I think if that doesn't bear a lot of factors in mind the same sort of thing will eventually happen again. Israel currently are saying over and over again it will be as they want. Others will want something else.

The court actions what are they really about. Laws that should be obeyed and aren't. SA when they took theirs to the court pleased a number of countries. A simplified view that is essentially true a N and S hemisphere split one side does what it wants. The N points at just a few countries really.

Now it seems 150+ countries recognise Palestine as a state. We are well aware which ones don't. An example.

TBH honest I think things would be a lot better if tools available to the UN Security council were used in 1967. They did use the UNEF when Suez problems kicked it all off. When they left this war really started. Heads were not banged hard enough at the right time. The UN could have forced Israel out of the occupied territories. Now why didn't they. Geopolitics.
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