Zion and the Art of Armageddon

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Personally i see a return of communism as a response to the gross inequalities in the distribution of a nations wealth.
When people are pushed into a corner then they become angry, in extreme circumstances people become extreme.

Instead of a 'stick and more stick' approach, maybe a return to carrot and stick would be more appropriate.

What has this got to do with the Israel/Palestine conflict you may ask.

You tell me.
communism as a response to the gross inequalities in the distribution of a nations wealth.
The modern form of communism doesn't really do that. It rests on some state ownership and people with money to invest. Old style went when the Soviet collapsed and all serious countries use something similar to what Russia now uses but maybe no elections. Those tend to use technocrats.
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The modern form of communism doesn't really do that. It rests on some state ownership and people with money to invest. Old style went when the Soviet collapsed and all serious countries use something similar to what Russia now uses but maybe no elections. Those tend to use technocrats.

If you take a minute or two to examine the kibbutzim movement in Israel, it's about as close to pure communism as you can get, I believe the population have drifted away from it recent years, lured away by bigger money in the tech sector in which Israel is a leader.

I vaguely recall when I lived there in the 70's the kibbutz organisation accounted for less than 20% of the population but accounted for 80% of the countries GDP, it was incredibly efficient, and it worked. It had to, half the the countries gdp was spent on defence, holding back those pesky arabs.

Parents on the kibbutz only looked after their kids until a certain age, maybe 6 months or a year?, can.t remember, thereafter they were cared for by the nurseries, more efficiency and enabling the women to get back to work, increasing output.

But they were all happy. without a care in the world other than when the next invasion by the arabs would be.
From Wikipedia,
"For example, in 2010, Kibbutz Sasa, containing some 200 members, generated US$850 million in annual revenue from its military-plastics industry.[5]"
I have trouble with a few of the traditional cultural behaviours, though.
kibbutzim movement in Israel,
I see them rather hippy commune style set ups maybe related to Bolshevik Jews. In fact I have heard of people leaving even B'ham and going to work in them. ;) Around ~1970 anyway. Fact is some people decided to go to all sorts of places usually ones with exotic names often Arab and do it on the cheap.

The world and the UK are rather different places now. Jobs in the UK were relatively easy to get for many. That's one change. Conflict is another. Take all of that now and some compare it with WW2 by looking at all instances of it. Around this time I was asked if I would like to join a work your way around the world group of friends. LOL I decided job more important for reasons I wont bore you with. So some loaded up a jeep with the intention of driving to Cape Town. Stay around and work if needed on the way. They did it. Took a few years and they were back.
There is going to apparently be an oil boom around the Falklands...

It has been known for decades that oil exists there, and that was the main reason for the war...

But the Rights are being bought up by Navitas Petroleum....

An Israeli company...

Israel of course supplied Argentina with weapons including aircraft/A to A missiles/long range fuel tanks/radar systems before, during and after 1982...

Total value at the time of $1bn...

To the military junta!
There is going to apparently be an oil boom around the Falklands...

It has been known for decades that oil exists there, and that was the main reason for the war...

But the Rights are being bought up by Navitas Petroleum....

An Israeli company...

Israel of course supplied Argentina with weapons including aircraft/A to A missiles/long range fuel tanks/radar systems before, during and after 1982...

Total value at the time of $1bn...

To the military junta!

Made a few quid some years back on shares with Rockhopper Petroleum, believe they still hold the lions share of rights, British company.
Majors have shied away because of the territorial disputes.
What's Israel got to do with it?
You mentioned 'British company majors'...

Navitas is an 'Israeli company major'...

Are you so naive that you don't understand that major national companies are intertwined with national governments? :rolleyes:
There is going to apparently be an oil boom around the Falklands...

It has been known for decades that oil exists there, and that was the main reason for the war...

But the Rights are being bought up by Navitas Petroleum....

An Israeli company...

Israel of course supplied Argentina with weapons including aircraft/A to A missiles/long range fuel tanks/radar systems before, during and after 1982...

Total value at the time of $1bn...

To the military junta!

As did our European neighbours and allies (?) the French

( scoundrels)
You mentioned 'British company majors'...

Navitas is an 'Israeli company major'...

Are you so naive that you don't understand that major national companies are intertwined with national governments? :rolleyes:

It's a farm agreement by an Israeli company into a British project not a a jewish plot to take over the world's oil reserves.

**** me.
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