Zion and the Art of Armageddon

The most moral army in the world. The bit where they drive past an ambulance is a particular low point.

This is in the west bank, so the IDF is taking wounded civilians hostage and using them as human shields.
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In the old days the rules were that if you laid siege to a town, village or castle, the besieger would negotiate with the besieged.
The terms were that if the besieged didn't surrender, then they would forfeit the right to quarter, this was because storming a fortified position could be very costly in men and materials for the attacking force.

In the event of a long drawn out siege, no supplies whatsoever would be allowed into the besieged position.
It didn't matter if woman and children died of starvation, the object was to get the besieged to capitulate as quickly as possible.

In Palestine the Israelis have a problem, they are aware the world is watching them, so the old methods can't be employed to the same extent because if the were, that might create a tipping point where the rest of the civilised world could be forced to intervene in some form.

To be fair to the Israelis, they aren't doing anything that other countries haven't done at one time or other in the past.
That is why this conflict will drag on.
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Apparently, they weren't "following protocol"........

..... that being, "Don't get video'ed".
That is the problem.
In the old days invading armies could get away with all sorts of stuff.
Nowadays everyone has a camera and YouTube on their phone.
It doesn't seem fair.
I understand neither UNWRA nor Joe Biden have been allowed to see any evidence supporting Israel's allegations.

I wonder what evidence the litigants have.

"Because Israel says so" has worn rather thin as a justfication for Israel's racism, apartheid and genocide.
What Israel wants, Israel gets.
At least more and more people can see the difference between the carefully crafted myth of Israel and reality.
The ICC on the other hand could have signed its own warrant of arrest by believing its authority extended to America and its Allies.
The ICC does not believe that. It knows that some countries refuse to accept it.
The ICC does not believe that. It knows that some countries refuse to accept it.
The current discussion is a clarification of positions. Israel doesn't recognise the ICC, but Palestine does.

The ICC believes it has the duty to prosecute Netanyahu because he is carrying out war crimes in Palestine, which gives them jurisdiction.

However the decision to allow Palestine to be a member of the ICC was complicated as they're an occupied state and the UK has challenged the arrest warrants on a technical point.
The ICC on the other hand could have signed its own warrant of arrest by believing its authority extended to America and its Allies.
I think most European countries recognise the ICC. The US doesn't however maybe they do if it suites. I'm thinking of Yugoslavia issues. Maybe Iraq. I don't know how their legal aspects were handled. The ICC has worried some of the US people who check on how US weapons are used when supplied to other countries. Some have resigned. One said if I visit Europe I could find myself being arrested. Israel is an oddity in this respect. Unlike others Blinken has to sign off their reports or they go nowhere. This all down to reports.

The US Israel relationship has been questioned before. A common view was that in the US the Jewish vote is important. I suspect other religious groups figure as well who will see the situation in the same way. Religion does figure in their politics. Eg God save America and Senate bible classes. However it turns out Israel holds a strategic stockpile for the US for "local use". The US loves it's bases. I wonder what the view would be here if a broadcast was made of Sunak with a number of MP's touching him and praying for him.
Palestine to be a member of the ICC was complicated as they're an occupied state
An Israel has thrown the rule book out of the window on that particular aspect, It's essentially why the ICJ made it's rulings. This area has been repeatedly ignored for a long time. The dreaded veto gets used.

The ruling means an investigation will be needed at some point. Who would authorise that? Probably the security council.

What's going on in the background. The rest of the world who outnumber us are sick to f'ing death of this general area being ineffective. Include the ICJ too. Also being told who the enemy is.
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