Zion and the Art of Armageddon

Wars / arms supplies are good bussiness thousands of jobs / economies ect rely on it ;)

Plus it’s good R&D for the companies developing the equipment as it gets tested in battlefield / conflict so as they can iron out any glitches / issues
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I understand neither UNWRA nor Joe Biden have been allowed to see any evidence supporting Israel's allegations.

I wonder what evidence the litigants have.

"Because Israel says so" has worn rather thin as a justfication for Israel's racism, apartheid and genocide.
Meanwhile the news on Gaza gets more similar everyday. Yet more Israeli attacks all over the place. Benjamin makes it extremely clear that there will not be a permanent ceasefire.
The state of the war now. Seems to match what Benjamin mentioned might take 12 months.
Meanwhile the news on Gaza gets more similar everyday. Yet more Israeli attacks all over the place. Benjamin makes it extremely clear that there will not be a permanent ceasefire.
The state of the war now. Seems to match what Benjamin mentioned might take 12 months.

Alternatively, Hamas could release all hostages and surrender their power, the Palestinian people would be grateful.
I feel some people in the 60s-70's new what actually goes on.I'd have liked to find a different voice and digitally remastered but alas youtube wont let me listen to those. Anyway this is not that bad and sums it all up.

And they like it like this. Conspiracy type they. They really do,
Alternatively, Hamas could release all hostages and surrender their power, the Palestinian people would be grateful.
Alternatively Bibi could release all Palestinian hostages, surrender power (and face the judicial process), and the Israeli people would be grateful.
Alternatively, Hamas could release all hostages and surrender their power, the Palestinian people would be grateful.
It won't make a difference in the West Bank where Israel have accelerated the annexation/ethnic cleansing process.

Every time Israel says 'it'll be fine, just get rid of Hamas' just look at the west bank.
From the link
In return for the measures, Smotrich will sign off on moves unfreezing tax funds withheld from the Palestinian Authority

Reported on AlJ with a bit more detail. For each country that recognises a Palestinian state one new settlement. This relates to the 5 countries who have done this recently. ;) It would mean 100's if all. 1,000,000 Israeli moving in mentioned. Infrastructure changes as well

Also chucking the PA out of a sizeable area of the West Bank with high Arab populations. Demolitions mentioned but no clear info. Just get on with it if you want may be the idea. That may happen anyway as things are. Eg Older farmer. Legal house. Knocked down anyway and told to go find a job.

Presented as a deal worked out with the PM in order to release the tax. IE it's "settled".

Trump - Biden. Both appear to be get on with it but Trump probably more extreme. Maybe I'll see if the debate is around on a video. They hold them in a more sensible fashion IMHO . No audience and the fact checkers move in when it's over. ;) Biden's last comment. Does it happen - pass but sounds more sensible to me.
I heard that a Kennedy may pop up. Pass maybe some one's mad idea. Both parties seem to see problems with their leaders. In Trump's case it's the man himself.
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