Zion and the Art of Armageddon

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Murdered and spat opon her naked body by palestinian children. one of many
Happily for Israel have probably now killed those children. Feel better?

Israel has also killed children who lived nowhere near there and had no idea or control over what was happening, feel better now?
Murdered and spat opon her naked body by palestinian children. one of many
Hind Rajab did suffer.

She begged for her life for three hours while trapped with her dead families bodies as the Israeli tank that killed them sat nearby.

Then the IDF killed the paramedics trying to rescue her. Barbarism. I don't expect much from terrorists but I expect more from a civilised army.

One of thousands.
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Murdered and spat opon her naked body by palestinian children. one of many
How did this girl die.?
She was probably worth more alive than dead to Hamas.
I thought the object of Oct 7th attacks were to capture as many hostages as possible.

Hostages have more value alive than dead.
They can be used as bargaining chips in any negotiations.

A tragedy all the same.[/url]
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I don't expect much from terrorists but I expect more from a civilised army.
Unfortunately the latter is becoming like the former day by day!

And by his actions/orders before and after the October atrocity, Netanyahu is as much a war criminal as the Hamas leaders are!

And he seems intent on bringing the entire region (and possibly beyond) to all out war...

Are all the deaths that are happening and the unwillingness to come to a peaceful solution due to Bibi not being able to get over the death of his brother at Entebbe?
Are all the deaths that are happening and the unwillingness to come to a peaceful solution due to Bibi not being able to get over the death of his brother at Entebbe?

Why on earth would Hamas's reluctance to accept peace have anything to do with Bibi's brother?

Anyway, the popular front for the liberation of Palestine aided by a few Germans and backed by Russia, hijacking a plane and separating the 100 or so Jews ready for execution.

Just another day at the office for Mossad. ;)
more among so many

The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has rejected calls for an immediate independent inquiry into the security failures that allowed the deadliest attack in his country’s history, telling the Knesset: “First, I want to beat Hamas.”

So, no inquiry into why a well organised attack slipped past one of the worlds most guarded borders. Figures. Netanyahu cannot afford to allow truth to interfere with his Zionist agenda.
The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has rejected calls for an immediate independent inquiry into the security failures that allowed the deadliest attack in his country’s history, telling the Knesset: “First, I want to beat Hamas.”

So, no inquiry into why a well organised attack slipped past one of the worlds most guarded borders. Figures. Netanyahu cannot afford to allow truth to interfere with his Zionist agenda.
Of course not...

He is one of the biggest terrorists around because he celebrates terrorism when it is from his side!

And it is sad that he leads a country steeped in a history of people who endured such suffering...

But right now he is making Gaza the equivalent of the Warsaw Ghetto, and this 'security failure' was probably an intended 'mistake'...

So the mass slaughter of Palestinians could be 'justified'...

When a people whose country is illegally occupied or put under heinous restrictions is it any wonder that there are retaliations...

Because Netanyahu doesn't want a peaceful relationship with a Palestinian state, he wants to eradicate it and do exactly what poo tin is trying to do in Ukraine...
Not all hostages were killed by Israeli bombing. Some were released.

Note they did not have any limbs amputated without anaesthetic.

As happens to Arab captives of Israel.

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