Zion and the Art of Armageddon

Netanyahu: “The war in Gaza could end tomorrow if Hamas surrenders, disarms and returns all the hostages, but if they don’t, Israel will fight until we destroy Hamas’s military capabilities, end its rule in Gaza and bring all our hostages home.”

The facts: Netanyahu has repeatedly indicated that he would not agree to any deal that stipulates an end to the war unless Hamas is destroyed. The goal of eliminating Hamas has been described as unachievable by Daniel Hagari, a spokesperson of Israel’s own military.

Over the years, Hamas has on multiple occasions offered peace deals in exchange for the realisation of a sovereign, independent Palestinian state.

Israel has rejected those offers, arguing that Hamas could not be trusted to adhere to any long-term ceasefire and insisting that the proposals for short-term pauses in fighting were insincere and strategically aimed only at helping the armed movement regroup from losses.

If you want the truth about events in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank go to Al Jazeera or one of the many Israeli protest groups who see through Netanyahu's lies...if you can handle it. :mrgreen:
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Netanyahu: “The ICC [International Criminal Court] prosecutor accuses Israel of deliberately targeting civilians. What in God’s green earth is he talking about?

I'm sure any Zionist will tell us that this unarmed grandmother, shot dead while carrying a white flag and holding the child's hand, following a route as previously ordered, is obviously a dangerous terrorist, and not a deliberately targeted civilian.

The Israeli army has deliberately assassinated all the journalists they could track down in Gaza, to try to prevent the evidence of atrocities getting out.

These journalists have been deliberately targeted

They are civilians.
Fact checking Netanyahoo is like listening to a Trumpian speech. Here's a few of his 'facts' to Congress:

Netanyahu: “Remember what so many people said? If Israel goes into Rafah, there’ll be thousands, maybe even tens of thousands of civilians killed. Well, last week, I went into Rafah. I visited our troops as they finished fighting Hamas’s remaining terrorist battalions. I asked the commander there, “How many terrorists did you take out in Rafah?” He gave me an exact number: 1,203. I asked him, “How many civilians were killed?” He said, “Prime minister, practically none. With the exception of a single incident, where shrapnel from a bomb hit a Hamas weapons depot and unintentionally killed two dozen people, the answer is practically none.”

The facts: At least 45 people, including children, were killed in just one attack when Israel fired missiles at a camp housing displaced Palestinians in the southern Gaza city in late May. As horrific scenes from the massacre emerged, drawing worldwide condemnation, the United Nations said Rafah was like “hell on Earth”.

45 people out of 1203 is a remarkably low statistic in urban warfare, beyond remarkable. Well done Israel..
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The Israeli army has deliberately assassinated all the journalists they could track down in Gaza, to try to prevent the evidence of atrocities getting out.

These journalists have been deliberately targeted

They are civilians.

Hamas combatants donning jackets with the word PRESS written on the front does not, a journalist, make.
A journalist does not become a terrorist when he sets foot in Palestine.

However he does become a threat to Israel because he may let the world see their crimes.

This explains Israel's policy of assassinating journalists.
You have proof of this?

Of course you don't!

Do you have proof they don't?

Of course you don't.

If you care to search, there is footage of a Palestinian woman saying that in the land of a million journalists, there is no footage of Hamas stealing aid supplies.
in the land of a million journalists

A million dead journalists, murdered by the Israeli army, you mean?

I didn't think it was so many.

Perhaps your buddies have been exaggerating their success.
The UK has now said that it will not try to interfere with the issue any IC arrest warrants.
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