Zion and the Art of Armageddon

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Your link is dated February, these are todays.

Your link is dated February, these are todays.

No evidence then:
they may have been involved

they may have been involved

They were sacked to safeguard the reputation of the UN.
Commissioner-General decided to immediately terminate the appointments of these staff “in the interest of the Agency,”
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That's nearly as bad as posting disinformation about the Southport killer.
Do you never learn?
Or are you intending to post disinformation at every opportunity?

Following Hamas’s terrorist attack on Israel, the Commission launched a review of the EU’s assistance for Palestine. The review aims to prevent the possible abuse of EU funding to incite hatred and violence and to ensure that no EU funding is used to enable terrorists to attack Israel. However, an IMPACT-se report[1] suggests that teachers at the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) have shared social media posts inciting hatred and violence, as well as celebrating the mass murder of Jewish people.

Following Hamas’s terrorist attack on Israel, the Commission launched a review of the EU’s assistance for Palestine. The review aims to prevent the possible abuse of EU funding to incite hatred and violence and to ensure that no EU funding is used to enable terrorists to attack Israel. However, an IMPACT-se report[1] suggests that teachers at the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) have shared social media posts inciting hatred and violence, as well as celebrating the mass murder of Jewish people.
A question presented by Nicola Beer.

Ahh, Nicola Beer. :rolleyes:

That's blown her credibility. :rolleyes:

Following the response to her question., the Commission replaced the funding to UNWRA, because again, no evidence was found nor presented.
the Commission processed the first tranche of EUR 50 million on 7 March2024 and the second tranche of EUR 16 million on 31 May 2024,
A question presented by Nicola Beer.

Ahh, Nicola Beer. :rolleyes:

That's blown her credibility. :rolleyes:

Following the response to her question., the Commission replaced the funding to UNWRA, because again, no evidence was found nor presented.

However, an IMPACT-se report[1] suggests that teachers at the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) have shared social media posts inciting hatred and violence, as well as celebrating the mass murder of Jewish people.
However, an IMPACT-se report[1] suggests that teachers at the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) have shared social media posts inciting hatred and violence, as well as celebrating the mass murder of Jewish people.
That's Nicola Beer's question. :rolleyes:
She wrote it. :rolleyes:
There was no evidence.
And she's still a climate science denier. :rolleyes:
I watched history of Venice program recently that pointed out the term ghetto translates to forge.
The etymology of Italian ghetto was formerly the subject of much speculation, but today there is little doubt that the word comes from the Italian dialect form ghèto, meaning “foundry.” A foundry for cannons was once located on an island that forms part of Venice, where in 1516 the Venetians restricted Jewish residence ...
Going on the program the Jews hired local guards and more chose to live there but who knows going on the way this was put. Seems they were welcome.

AlJ had to 2 anti zionist jews on. One a doc ex holocaust. The other who's father had sympathy for Palestinians. It was interesting to listen to their views on propaganda. Especially the younger one. Filly wouldn't agree.
"In April 2018, Israeli rights group B’Tselem published a video on YouTube showing Israeli soldiers laughing after shooting a Palestinian boy whom they called a “son of a bitch”. The soldier and his superior officer discussed the right position to hit the Palestinian boy, who was helping to remove an Israeli roadblock at the entrance of his village, Madama in the occupied West Bank, near Nablus.

That was the second known video to be shared online by the Israeli rights group showing how Israeli occupation soldiers shoot peaceful young Palestinians, apparently just for fun. The first showed an Israeli sniper shooting and injuring a Palestinian protester near the eastern Gaza fence, while a voice is heard to say: “Wow, what a video!… YES! That son of the bitch.”

"During the 51-day Israeli offensive against the Palestinians in Gaza in 2014, the Guardian reported that illegal Jewish settlers from Sderot near the besieged enclave gathered on a hilltop to watch the bombing of Palestinian homes in Gaza and celebrate the death of Palestinians and their children.

“The thud of shellfire, flash of an explosion and pall of smoke are greeted with exclamations of approval. ‘What a beauty,’ says one appreciative spectator,” reported the Guardian. Shimrit Peretz, 19, apparently went to the town with her off-duty soldier boyfriend, Raz Sason, to watch and celebrate. “We came to look at the bombing,” Peretz told the newspaper. It was the couple’s fourth such visit to the hilltop. “It’s interesting,” said Peretz. She and her boyfriend had a backpack with them filled with bottles of water and bags of crisps.
"In November 2021, the New York Times published a short documentary, Mission: Hebron, directed by former Israeli soldier Rona Segal. The film sheds light on some of the daily suffering of Palestinians in occupied Hebron and how Israeli soldiers inflict pain on them for fun or to appease Jewish settlers. One of the soldiers told the director that, “It is fun [to shoot children]. Everyone high fives.”
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