Zion and the Art of Armageddon

Israel has assassinated all the journalists, but sometimes the truth gets out.

The ambulance deployed to help Rajab was attacked after receiving approval from Israeli authorities, complete with a map and approved route.

Two paramedics, Yousef Zeino and Ahmad al-Madhoun, were killed in the attack on the ambulance.
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I watched history of Venice program recently that pointed out the term ghetto translates to forge.
The etymology of Italian ghetto was formerly the subject of much speculation, but today there is little doubt that the word comes from the Italian dialect form ghèto, meaning “foundry.” A foundry for cannons was once located on an island that forms part of Venice, where in 1516 the Venetians restricted Jewish residence ...
Going on the program the Jews hired local guards and more chose to live there but who knows going on the way this was put. Seems they were welcome.

AlJ had to 2 anti zionist jews on. One a doc ex holocaust. The other who's father had sympathy for Palestinians. It was interesting to listen to their views on propaganda. Especially the younger one. Filly wouldn't agree.
Was that 'Francesco's Venice'? I saw that a while ago, and while it's a plausible theory there's differing opinions on the etymology of the word.
Was that 'Francesco's Venice'?
Yes. I found it interesting. There is a factual aspect which is why the idea is generally accepted. Jews did live there and the translation of the name is forge.
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Israeli human rights group B’Tselem has collected testimonies from 55 Palestinians, including 21 from the Gaza Strip, who had been held in Israeli prisons, detailing the torture they were subjected to. The B’Tselem report, titled Welcome to Hell, revealed on Tuesday that more than a dozen Israeli prison facilities have been converted into a network of camps “dedicated to the abuse of inmates” since the start of Israel’s war on Gaza.

B’Tselem said at least 60 Palestinians have died in Israeli custody since October 7, including about 48 people from Gaza. The report said that detainee testimonies demonstrate “a systemic, institutional policy focused on the continual abuse and torture of all Palestinian prisoners”. This policy, it said, is implemented under the direction of Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir, with the full support of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“Given the severity of the acts, the extent to which the provisions of international law are being violated, and the fact that these violations are directed at the entire population of Palestinian prisoners daily and over time – the only possible conclusion is that in carrying out these acts, Israel is committing torture that amounts to a war crime and even a crime against humanity,” the report said in its conclusion.

Al Jazeera

Maybe Tommy Tuggerhattentott should update himself with the Zionist government's activities over the last twenty years before he goes on Youtube.
B’Tselem said at least 60 Palestinians have died in Israeli custody since October 7, including about 48 people from Gaza. The report said that detainee testimonies demonstrate “a systemic, institutional policy focused on the continual abuse and torture of all Palestinian prisoners”. This policy, it said, is implemented under the direction of Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir, with the full support of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The state of Israel has no wish to create a peaceful middle east/world..

As all it is doing is creating the next generation of people who will give it a 'reason' to fulfill it's goal of the expulsion/genocide of Palestinians and annexing what is left of Palestinian land...

And the war criminal at the head of the Israeli government is as bad as putin...

He doesn't care how many countries get dragged in, or how many die (including Israelis) to pursue his extremist maniacal ideology!

Extremists always create more extremists on both sides...

Someone has to step up and turn down the heat...

Of course there will always be extremists who will put a stop to that, as witnessed by the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin by someone who opposed the Oslo agreement...

To take a reasonable political stance in Israel risks a death sentence from the extremists they have to live with!
Egypt closing it's airspace from 1am to 4am Thursday.
Iran closing its airspace due to military excercises.
“no one in the world will allow us to starve two million people, even though it might be justified and moral in order to free the hostages.”

Bezalel Smotrich

Further evidence of the Israeli governments intent on starving Palestinians during their ongoing war (crimes) in Gaza. No wonder they persist in their blatant attempt to discredit the UN and the aid agencies trying to provide vital medicine and food supplies.
Further evidence of the Israeli governments intent on starving Palestinians
I'm prepared to accept UN and NGO comments on this. Accept those and it looks like aid is being managed to barely acceptable levels. Comments on air drops and one decent meal a day helping has it's interesting factors.
Problem - inadequate diets eventually cause problems and are. Young kids are the ones who have the worst problems even starvation at some point. There are others as well. Pregnant women for instance.

However throw in a sudden drop to 1/2 of what it was.
Egypt closing it's airspace from 1am to 4am Thursday.
Iran closing its airspace due to military excercises.
Israel introduced a no fly zone in the north maybe a week ago. Some air services have taken Israel off the list.
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